Day 1,606, 12:30 Published in Greece Greece by THRAX and RUMELIAN

MKD Channel BREAKING NEWS: Elvis Presley lives and becomes a citizen

The day that millions of fans of the King of the Rock n Roll all over the world is finally came!

The King of the Rock n Roll, Elvis Presley has submitted his papers to authorities of the country to finally take the nation's citizenship!

He has just admitted that he is living in the country for tha past 40 years preparing his next album "Alex is my real father"

His historical album is ready and he will perform its songs under his fathers Alexe's statue in the center of the Great Capital of the nation.

He declaired that his best friend and also borned MKD by blood, Michael Jackson we be join him in the consert singing his last hits "Im Black, Im White but i m not a PAOK fan", "long live propaganda" and "my mother's name is Olympias" together wirh his vocal girl Merilyn Monroe singing in her ancient language

The big concert will be opened by some great local bands like Hipokrates Child's, Symeon's Brothers and the legendary black metal band Homers Grave!!!!

The MKD prime Minister Mrs Kleopatrovska said with tears in her eyes that "at last the world will know the truth" before passed out an fail in the hands of her new bodyguard Sky the Mexican Beast.

The headman of the "culture and propaganda ministry" Mr Tarzan said that the country will not give the chance to their neighbours to steal this great culture event and will provide free bananas to the fans of the great artists of the country waiting for days in the great square.

for the MKD (Midwest Kingdom of Doom) Channel
Vangelovski the NewsBeastovski

ps: the article is part of my new book "the tales of the Midwest Kingdom of Doom" and "The story, all names, characters and incidents portrayed in this book are fictitious. No identification with actual persons, places, buildings and products is intended or should be inferred."