Manifesto Time!

Day 1,634, 08:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Garth Lidlington

Well PP Elections are coming up and as I’m running here is my manifesto!

After recent events which most of you are aware of the UKPP and Royal Navy have recovered tremendously well, to which I would like to thank Waynekerr for his tremendous help over the past few days. The new supplier should be up within the next few days sailors so sit tight and in the meantime if you do require weapons message me and ill sort you out for the time being. Here is my brief manifesto for the upcoming UKPP elections!

So Here Goes Nothing

Being commander of the Royal Navy has brought me on leaps and bounds in aspects of being organised, messaging member’s news, setting up the strike programmes and guiding the unit through certain rough patches that have been thrown at us recently.

Being PP would only have a good effect on the UKPP, as I can carry the organisation over to the party with Congress and Presidential Elections in the near future it’s a must that we plan early to achieve our goals.
Of course I will be looking closely at bringing in the newer players right into the works, getting them involved with the party more and bring it closer together.

The final objective would be to set up full teams in different areas of the party, such as the media teams, election teams which I feel has gone slightly off the boil in recent months.

If you do have any questions regarding my run please feel free to send me a message and we will chat about it!

Have a nice day
