Lost in America:

Day 2,431, 21:49 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Cincinnati

(Featuring interviews with Gnilraps and Tyler Bubblar.)

The Alien had been beaming messages to me. Therefore, I had adjusted my foil helmet extra tight, for the next few days.

There were three people that have implied that Oblige wasn't legit. One of them was Gnilraps. His number was listed. So, I decided to give him a call.
He answered, in his whiskey and 3 packs of cigarettes per day voice and I asked him to give me an interview. We arranged a meeting at his printing Company.

After my run-in with the goon squad, I was pretty banged up. But, I wasn't giving up. I contacted a friend that sells weapons and picked up a 38. It has a pearl grip with a floral design and fits into my coat pocket. I've named her Betsy.

On the way to see Gnilraps; I had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting a guy that was crossing at a green light. He pounded his fist into the crook of his arm and called my mother a whore.
I thought about throwing the car into park, pulling out Betsy, cocking the hammer and leveling the barrel at his chest. Then, while he begged for his life, I would give him a speech about courtesy and patience. I'd let him run away and hope that he was a better person, from the experience.

When I arrived, their was a man on the front stoop. He was holding a 40oz in a paper bag.
He asked me for a dollar and I thought to myself, "THIS GUY WANTS TO SPEND MY HARD EARNED MONEY OH BEER." But then I thought, "That's what I'll do."
I fished out a couple of crumpled dollars.
"Bless You." he said.

I knocked on the door and waited. It took a minute before anyone answered. But, I could hear music. I started looking around for another door. Then, someone answered. It wasn't Gnilrips.
"Are you Ghost?" He asked.

"You can call me GoTJ, for short," I replied.

Then he said, "I'm Rusty_26." "Come on in."" Gnil's in here playing cards."

I was glad that I had Betsy in my jacket pocket. But, I was starting to wish I had told someone where I was going. Against my better judgment, I followed him inside.

I was shocked to see a bar, artwork, dancers, and a billiards table. There were several groups of shady looking people and the smell of strange chemicals was in the air.

Gnilraps was at a table, playing cards, with four other men and one female. One hand held his cards, while the other hand fondled the rear-end of a scantly dressed female that stood to his right.

"Can we talk", I asked.

"Sure," he replied, briefly.

(Suddenly, Gnilraps retrieves, what appears to be, an antique blunderbuss from behind his female companion and sets it on the table.)

"Let's talk," He says.

"Here," I asked.

"Why not," He insisted.

I sat down and was dealt a hand of cards. Some of the players looked like they hadn't slept in days. It didn't take long to get over the chemical smell. But, I could hear people working in another part of the building.
The conversation went as follows:

*Ghost of Tom Joad* Did you make any promises to the AFA, in return for votes?

*Gnilraps* I promised conversation in return for an endorsement. I made NO promises of any kind for VOTES.

*Ghost of Tom Joad* Was ValiantThor a triple agent that got left out in the cold?

*Gnilraps* I had no idea about anything that was going on with VT. None whatsoever.

*Ghost of Tom Joad* Do you know about the Bots?

*Gnilraps* No idea whatsoever. I was never involved in any of those discussions or transactions or activities.

*Ghost of Tom Joad* Are their any other leads?

*Gnilraps* If you are talking about the Gnilraps/AFA thing, then the answer is no. If you are talking about the bots, then the answer is I don't know.

*Gnilraps* Sorry so boring, but the truth of the matter is SOOOOOOOO much less than what VT has made out of it.

*Ghost of Tom Joad* Fair enough.

*Ghost of Tom Joad* How is Oblige involved? A Secret Spammer Informed me that he was in involved.

*Ghost of Tom Joad* Also, I'm pretty sure that you said were making an implication about him, the other day.

*Gnilraps* I made a troll comment in one of your articles that mentioned Oblige. I picked him at random because why not add more outrageousness to this madness? If Oblige is involved, it would have been dumb luck on my part for having mentioned him.

*Ghost of Tom Joad* Do you know who has the money that most assume is (in our treasury?)

*Gnilraps* I sit on the Economics Council. I know everything.

*Ghost of Tom Joad* What's the real deal with Hannibal?

*Gnilraps* As far as I have read, the entire story has been told about Hannibal. He betrayed the Serbs by granting access to an eAmerican who was willing/able to strike a deal with him.

*Ghost of Tom Joad* I understand. I'll just ponder on that.

*Ghost of Tom Joad* I don't want to be a buzzkill. But, Who has the gold?

*Gnilraps* There has been zero mishandling of Federal funds by any of the people who have access to it. The reason a person would qualify for access to the Federal Reserve would be due to a lengthy history of trustworthiness and a record of having handled funds with integrity for one reason or another.

*Gnilraps* I would think that an intrepid journalist could probably make some excellent guesses and could probably hit fairly close to the mark, though I don't know if anyone who actually knows the answer to your question would answer it for you. The reason for this is plain, to protect the funds.

*Gnilraps* If ever the Federal Reserve experiences a theft, eUSA will find out about it. That is certain.

To my surprise; The man that was drinking a beer on the front steps yelled into the room, "THE COPS ARE HERE!"

People started to scatter and Gnilraps grabbed the blunderbuss from the table. I grabbed my money and headed to a door where the bulk of the crowd had run.
It lead to a hallway with several doors on the left and only one door on the right. I tried the door on the right and it opened to an ally-way.

I was quite surprised to find, none other than, Tyler Bubblar leaning against the wall.

He asked, "Need a lift?"

(Tyler nodded toward his car.)

"There is no room in there," I said.

"Sure there is," He explained, "Climb in."

I crawled through the window and over the roll cage. Then I rested against the back of the seat. About that time, a police car pulled into the ally with it's lights flashing. A call came out over the bullhorn, "Show me your hands."

Tyler hopped into the car and threw it into reverse. He hit the e-brake and spun the car. Then, he burned rubber down Jefferson Street.
The police car was hot on our tail and I could hear other sirens. Tyler hit the expressway and started pulling away.
The other cars on the highway, looked like they were standing still. When I looked, we were up to 215 mph. The police cars were out of sight. But, now we were being followed by a helicopter.

Tyler slowed down and took an exit, onto a byway. "Here!" Do you know how to use one of these," he asked, as he was handing me an assault rifle.

I said, "Yes, but I'm not shooting at the cops!"

"That's not the cops," He replied, "That's the United States Workers Party."

Why do you want me to shoot at them," I asked.

(Suddenly, a huge chunk of concrete, was blown out of the road. Tyler swerved through a cloud of dust and debris to narrowly avoid the crater.)

"That's why," he answered, "Try to hit the pilot, those things don't have armor."

I leaned out the window and started firing. The helicopter started to veer off course. But, I didn't stop firing until the magazine had emptied.
Words cannot describe how good that it felt.

Tyler looked to me and said, "I've heard my name coming up a few times" "If you've got a minute maybe I can clear things up a little." The conversation was as follows:

*GhostofTomJoad* I'm here now. I have to let everything collect.

*Tyler_B* I don't believe we've met or spoken before. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance.

*GhostofTomJoad* Nice to meet you as well

*GhostofTomJoad* You are in the congressional forum

*GhostofTomJoad* But, we never formally met.

*Tyler_B* when it works...

*GhostofTomJoad* ValiantThor keeps saying that you were screwed out of an election.

*GhostofTomJoad* What's your version?

*Tyler_B* the election in question is March of this year. Correct?

*Tyler_B* I'll show you something

(He reached, with one hand on the steering wheel, over to the glove compartment, from which he drew this document: Election Ballot

*Tyler_B* My take on that election is that my ass was ungently kicked.

*Tyler_B* I wasn't screwed out of that election because it wasn't even close.

*Tyler_B* Gnil virtually swept the party primaries.

He was a long time Fed with still a strong following so even my natural base was split.

*Tyler_B* I lost the support of the Black Sheep as they were unhappy with my cabinet picks.

*Tyler_B* It was a no contest

*Tyler_B* you notice the fourth candidate?

*Tyler_B* Dr Devil

*Tyler_B* he pulled about 80 votes

*GhostofTomJoad* The AFA candidate ?

*Tyler_B* yes

*GhostofTomJoad* Well, it doesn't look like they were going out of their way to help gnil.

*GhostofTomJoad* What about the gold?

*Tyler_B* we know where it is.

*Tyler_B* who has it and in what quantities.

*GhostofTomJoad* Well, who and where

*Tyler_B* we have 3 CBO people

*Tyler_B* they hold much of it.

*Tyler_B* it's stashed in some orgs as well.

*Tyler_B* I have for the last few months been CoS and now Vice President I can assure you nothing untoward is going on there.

*GhostofTomJoad* Well, I think that every question that I started out with has been answered

GhostofTomJoad Can you drop me off, here?

*Tyler_B* if you're satisfied that's okay

*GhostofTomJoad* I just don't know how oblige was involved

*Tyler_B* Oblige was one of the leaders of the effort to pull WTP out of the top 5.

*GhostofTomJoad* I've seen three accusations, but nothing specific

*Tyler_B* to my knowledge Oblige was involved in the clean up that's all.

*Tyler_B* However after losing the cp election much of my access was pulled.

*Tyler_B* The following month after losing yet again to Gnilraps I was asked to take over DHS mid term and regained access.

*GhostofTomJoad* OK.

*GhostofTomJoad* You can just drop me off here.

*Tyler_B* I hope I provided some insight.

*GhostofTomJoad* yes you have

*GhostofTomJoad* Thanks for the ride

*Tyler_B* No problem.

Most of my questions were answered. I also had a lot of answers that I didn't want. The question now was, "What could I do about it?"

TO BE CONTINUED.................

My Congressional Platform?

Here's the plan:
I'm trying to get a shot at a second term in congress. I've studied the discussions and I'm familiar with all the mechanical aspects. I've made some friends along the way.

What I won't do;

I won't promise a thousand year rule. I hope someone will come up with a better idea much sooner than that.

I can't promise we will go down in eHistory. That's up to the bards and artists.

I can't promise a fix-all solution. Only a fool or a megalomaniac would.

What I will do;

I will do the grunt work, I will send PM's, I will write articles and I will over-step my authority.

I'll craft weapons from my farm implements. I want every citizen that is willing make a stand to have a gun in their hands.

I will say the things that people don't want to hear. I will oppose all the political cartels.


1.I have served, as party president of three sixth parties;
a.The Party of the Revolution.
b.Socialist Freedom Party
c.Vox Populi

2.I've been a member the Bear Cavalry, Internationale, AIM and Libertad.

3.I started a modest paper and experimented with the media module.

4.I'm the creator of the Rainy Day Food Reserve Initiative and Tanks for Tots.

5.Served on the NSC, to coordinate our war effort.

6.Served a term as a Congress Member.

Here is how I voted on every issue, this month;

MPP with Bulgaria: Yes

MPP with Pakistan: No

Donate to the Congressional Budget Office: Yes

NE with France: Yes

MPP with Turkey: Yes

New citizen's Message: Yes

Donate to Congressional Budget Office: Yes

MPP with Chili: Yes

MPP with Venezuela: Yes

MPP with Polan😛 Abstain

Donate to Congressional Budget Office: Yes

MPP with Indonesia: Yes

Issue Money: No

NE with Cuba: No

There were also some issues that aren't on the country Admin page.
Black list John J: I voted no
New law about buying votes: I voted no

Grab a pen and paper. Help us write the people's history.