Lighter News Now

Day 2,448, 04:57 Published in Australia Australia by An Australian Man

Yes, no more story's on Bree/Mick/any other multiple accounts in eAus. Because is time for lighter news

First of all, the one story that's taking over eAus (no, not Bree), is the eElections, and with Infowar expected to take over eAus, I decided to take a view of other elections, first of all, our mate's from across the ditch, NZ, where Mario e Morsik is expected to take the sheep "lovers" highest office.

In Greece, to close to call

The UK, UKIP, no, it's either Kapten Johnson (UK Reform) or WayneKerr (Worker's Rights)

The USA, USA, USA, dmjohnston by a mile and a half

And in the land called Serbia, another to close to call

Now into the real world,
*England wins the Commonwealth games (aww)
*The Waratahs win the Super Rugby
*#GoGetThoseGeckos Putin
*And the normal bull that happened this week (Ukraine, Gaza)

That's all for me
Spokesperson for the APP
An Australian Man