Let's Go Again

Day 889, 18:43 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

Hello Good Citizens of the eUS
My real name is Taylor Swift…..nah just kidding XD But I am Mattoze5 😉

I am writing this article to officially announce my candidacy for President of the eUnited States. I know that things seem to be happening pretty quick so I will be brief for now, but as I did the last time, I will continue to release in-depth articles on my platform: so if you haven’t subscribed make sure to do so 😉

The Point:

The focus of a Mattoze5 administration will be to clean up this horrible foreign affairs mess that is reeking up the country, starting with the beginning of talks with Poland. I believe we need to forget about the supra-orgs (EDEN and Phoenix): We’ve been down that road, it hasn’t worked and in the end it has led to unnecessary tensions. We need to minimize priorities. The focus will be on influencing Poland to communicate, if at all possible, with us. It still can be done even if it means building up the military and/or initiating my Bridge Theory forcefully (discussed in previous articles and to be discussed again soon.) Current leaders and prospective opponents will say many of the same things, but they have not been vouching for this from the get-go. I believe I have the desire and true intentions to make it happen.

I will be joined by someone who was more than faithful to me back when I was President of the Conservative Party. As a hard-working member of our armed services, he has dedicated a great deal of time and effort to improving the standard that has become one of the most coordinated militaries in the world. He has served on the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the past as the Commanding Officer of the US Mobile Infantry, and even though he has since retired that position, he continues his service to this great nation as a Platoon Commander in the USMC and as a military adviser to the Joint Chiefs. I am talking about no one other than Deificus. I could think of no one better to serve as, not only my running mate, but a Vice President of the eUS. I know that his military experience will be just what eAmerica needs at a time like this. And because he will be VP, his ability to travel abroad will remain intact. With this and his military experience he will be key to either regaining other countries’ trust again or taking the proper actions if need be to protect our regions.

That is about it for now. I plan on releasing a plethora of articles over the weekend.
Because my previous campaign slogan hasn’t really caught on, if we can get this article up to 100 votes, the person with the most unique, thoughtful, and catchy slogan in the comments of this article will get 2 gold and will get to see the slogan in use 😉

For all those of you out there who fear I am somehow helping Ajay Bruno let me just say I could care less about him right now, there is enough in eAmerica to worry about. I am not aiding any sort of Ajay take over, I am Mattoze5 and I’d like to apply for the Country President Position 😉

God Bless America,