Keeping Promises

Day 1,237, 14:06 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bhane
I want to thank all the congressmen who voted yes, to help the average eIreland citizen. I am doing an accounting article to track the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of this tax change. The article will be published in a few weeks, once I have the necessary data. Look for it on May 1st or 2nd. I humbly ask that all skeptics please give this tax break the benefit of a doubt until then.

After much discourse through messages and comments, I'm glad we have come to a good way to drop income taxes. If a TD has any doubts, please don't hesitate to message me before hastily casting a "no" vote.

Myth: This will de-fund the IA - Not true.
Myth: This will make it impossible to afford MPP's - Not true.
Myth: This will increase consumption - True

Links to the votes:
Special thanks to Anthony Colby for using his 2 allotted proposals for this initiative.

tl;dr bottom line synopsis
Feedback has refined the idea to 1% income tax, Food VAT 5% to match current weapon VAT.

Tax revenues are on the rise for all eRep countries, and the large majority of our tax revenue is from VAT, anyway. Let's make eIreland a friendlier place for Joe 2-click.

For the long form of "why?" please read the wall of text, and following comments. 😮

Original Article:

I am writing a new article to keep two promises from my campaign blurb in the IUP candidates article...

"I would like to make Ireland more friendly to the average 2-click citizens out there. I would like to lower income taxes, to put more money in the hands of the eIrish citizenry.

I would like to create more transparency in the government, and I will start with myself. I will not propose any new law without posting the idea in my brand new newspaper. I will open the floor for discussion in the comment section. All citizens, from the 2-click laborer, to the CP, are welcome to participate in the discussion before I submit the proposal."

To keep the first promise, I wish to propose an income tax cut.
To keep the second promise, I am publishing this article for a public discourse to refine the idea before proposing it.

We learned about tax collection in a previous article of mine.
As it stands, taxes for the four main industries are:

Income Tax 10%
Import Tax 15%
VAT n/a

Income Tax 10%
Import Tax 15%
VAT n/a

Income Tax 10%
Import Tax 99%
VAT 3%

Income Tax 10%
Import Tax 99%
VAT 5%

Income Tax Proposal
I would like to reduce all income taxes to 1%. I want to put more money in the hands of the 2-click citizens. More money they can use to buy products and feed eIreland's economy. I see the valid counter-arguments to such a low income tax. Let's just assume a counteroffer of 5% is mentioned and we compromise at proposing a 3% income tax.

VAT Proposal
I would also like to make the VAT for food and weapon's equal. Either raise food 5%, or average them to 4% each, or lower weapons to 3%. We should also consider raising both VATs more.

Avoiding the Import Tax Issue
The Import tax is a bit of hotbed issue I do not wish to address that at this time. That is a fight for another day, and maybe for another congressman entirely. 😉

I understand there will be resistance to lowering income taxes. A lot of the active players are members of military communities that work for minimum wage and hand out supplies as compensation. A large income tax change in either direction will really not affect them at all. A minimum wage commune worker currently only pays 0.30 IEP in income tax. Removing income tax entirely, or even quadrupling the tax rate would not really change their status quo.

I ask the active players to please consider the 2-click citizen, whom I endeavor to represent. A brand new citizen with ZERO work experience can get a job for over a dozen IEP. They pay at least 4 times more income tax than a community minimum wage worker who is a Guru+ and has an experience level in the mid 20's. That's just brand new citizens... the average eIrish citizen can easily find a job well over 20 IEP per day. The income tax does have a tangible affect the average citizen, and I want to lighten their burden. I think we can make up some of the lost tax revenue in the increased consumption they will be able to afford.

If we can make eIreland a better place for the 2-click citizen, then we make eIreland a better place for EVERYONE.

Important note to all the average 2-click citizens out there:
I know it's hard to voice your opinion in a community that does not know you, yet. I know you may not want to comment, to avoid ridicule from strangers. I know many of you are just plain shy. I have been there, and I understand. I was hesitant to make much noise for over a year, before I got brave enough to become more vocal in eIrish affairs.

PLEASE mail me your comments if you do not want to publicly post them. I will gladly post your thoughts and add them to the discussion anonymously. It's okay if your thought is to call my idea stupid and moronic. I do not mind criticism, one iota. I will still gladly post your insults of my proposal with your anonymity intact.

Thank you for your time,

P.S. Sorry for the tl;dr