Juggling with Alliances

Day 2,919, 09:28 Published in Romania Romania by Naufragiatu
EN version below

Salutare colegi de joaca,

Am scris initial articolul in engleza in ideea in care mai am (aveam?) niscaiva cititori de prin lume si ca mi-a fost mai usor sa ma exprim in engleza la finalul zilei de munca de corporatist.

Nu e nici un secret ca nu am fost cel mai active in ultimul an(ani), cel putin nu cum eram pe vremea cand alaturi de zdlemmy, Iaswn, diuras, petsku, alpho, conduceam mai mult sau mai putin EDEN din umbra, totusi nu inseamna ca nu mai intelegem nimic sau nu mai vedem nimic. Unele lucruri s-au schimbat intre timp, altele nu. Desigur ca in functie de punctul de vedere, perspectiva difera.

Unul dintre lucrurile care nu se schimba este dorinta constanta de a schimba sistemul de aliante. In orice situatie “stabila” (dominatie clara a unei parti combatante), vor fi comunitati/tari care vor dori ceva “nou” pentru a deveni parte a unei coalitii dominante. Desigur mai sunt si tari care trebuie sa aiba influenta/putere de decizie dincolo de granitele proprii si atunci desi sunt intr-o situatie favorabila in ceea ce priveste bonusurile, tot nu se simt confortabil.

In discutia de fata avem o opozitie a Asteriei, o ePolonie cumva neutral, o eUngarie chipurile pro-Asteria si desigur Asteria pe langa alte blocuri. Atat eUngaria cati ePolonia sunt tari puternice, insa nu au un rol de lider formal/informal in nici o alianta, lucru nu tocmai placut pentru aceste comunitati. Asa ca s-a inceput o munca de destabilizare ale actualelor relatii printr-un sprijin sub forma de CO-uri chiar din partea polacilor pentru sloveni, iar vecinii de peste Tisa o munca asidua pentru a-i convinge ca noi suntem lupul cel rau.

Totusi, majoritatea tarilor mai mari au tabere, care nu sunt intotdeauna de acord in ceea ce priveste politica externa si obiective pe termen mediu. Asadar aceste comunitati au nevoie de un soc pentru a accepta o schimbare. Asa ca munca va continua.

Coalitia anti-Asteria arata tuturor ca sarbii nu sunt invincibili. Deci, asadar si prin urmare, in cele din urma s-a reusit nu doar stergerea eSerbiei, cat si “evaporarea” congresului(ca o nota personala, nu inseamna mare lucru asta acum – mai degraba e un soc psihologic resimtit mai degraba de cei mai vechi care tin minte ca in trecut o tara fara congres intr-adevar avea anumite problem serioase). Cu o cantitate astronomica de e-bani/bani (nu mai stiu sumele mentionate de catre zdlemmy in interviul lui Clopo), cu 4-5 fronturi deschise simultan (pentru cei care vedeti smiorcaieli prin feed-uri in ceea ce priveste 2 vs 1 pe care il avem acum, parca nu mai par chiar asa fundamentate,nu?), ceva ce a semanat a oarecare non-combat din partea eSerbiei, dar care putea fi si o coordonare nefericita a guvernului anterior si nu in ultimul rand minunatul block al ungurilor impotriva noastra – pentru cine are dubii, recomand articolul banditului de atunci, nu l-a scos el degeaba in acel moment (hint – referinta cu “lupul cel rau” de cateva paragrafe mai sus).

Totusi nu putem ignora faptul ca obiectivul coalitiei respective a fost indeplinit, iar adversarii merita felicitarile de rigoare. Dincolo de amaraciunea cauzata de clara si irefutabila concluzie ca astazi banii si doar banii pot aduce putere in joc, am putut sa vad si alte lucruri pe care le credeam pierdute – coordonare, strategie si un obiectiv comun pentru destul de multi combatanti.

Chiar si asa, nu a fost de ajuns pentru a sparge alianta. Pasul urmator – intr-o tentativa de a semana discordie in comunitatea eRo, relatiile dintre noi si sarbi, croatii au atacat ungurimea, cu surle si trambite de “yellow in Budapest”. Insa nu au achiesat atat de multi romanasi asa ca actiunea a fost sistata. Nu prea mare socul, deh.

Mai trece vremea si slovenii incep sa seteze CO-uri impotriva grecilor. Eh, minunea lumii, ce sa vezi, grecii au raspuns si au inceput smiorcaielile ca au luptat romani (si nimeni altcineva din cei cu care slovenii au MPP) pentru CO in RW-uri austriece si elvetiene – puteri adevarate, din care nici la pastele cailor nu puteau slovenii sa recupereze bonusurile. Inca nu e de ajuns.

Era sa uit de granita greco-ugrica de pe plaiurile izvorului Dunarii. Ei bine, cine oare s-ar fi asteptat vreodata sa apara un conflict intre cele 2 parti? Vecinii nostrii verzi nu sunt prea fericiti cu prietenia sarbo-romana (ei isi doresc demult ca rolurile ro-hu sa fie inversate – ei in alianta cu fratii sarbi si noi pe langa, dar nu impotriva lor), asa ca trebuie sa se schimbe ceva – hai sa vedem daca putem da socul necesar acum. Asa ca de ce naibilui sa nu ataci eGrecia – cand stii ca nu ai tank-urile necesare, nu ai banii necesari, nu ai MPP-urile necesare, dar stii ca vei pierde, stii ca vei vedea romani luptand de partea cealalta, romani care au un MPP cu grecii si ca vei avea ocazia sa te plangi celor care candva erau in postura de mezin (pentru cine nu sties au nu-si aminteste, la inceputuri sarbii au fost “crescuti” de unguri in stadiile incipiente ale Erep). Deci speranta de a schimba ceva pentru a nu fi de partea pierzatorilor pe termen mediu-lung e ca eRo sa lupte impotriva ta, chiar daca indirect.

De-a lungul timpului totul a decurs conform planului, cu exceptia pseudo-razbelului croato-ungar. Pana ieri. Ieri atat noi, cat si sarbii am setat NE pe candva prietenii croati. Eh, la naiba. Exact asta nu isi doreau sau prevedeau “spargatorii de gasca”. De ce? Pai hai sa facem un exercitiu de imaginatie: sa spunem ca grecii sunt pe trend ascendant, sa spunem ca ungurii ar fi avut de gand la un moment dat sa ceara sarbilor sa-I ajute printr-un NE pe greci, asa cum au facut-o in alte situatii in trecut (imi amintesc o vreme cand cromania a luat la tinta eUngaria, asa ca sarbii au intervenit, iar in cele din urma ungurii s-au salvat de la stergere si si-au salvat congresul in timp ce sarbii nu), sa spunem ca exista o granita sarbo-greaca, sa ne imaginam ca sarbii ar fi atacat factiunea elena si asa de amorul artei sa ne imaginam ca in acel moment Asteria ar fi destramata de facto, judecand dupa MPP-urile commune pe care le aveau sarbii si grecii.

In cele din urma cine doreste sa se planga ca eRo actioneaza in interesul aliantei din care face parte, sa o faca linistit/a. Un lucru sa fie clar, eRo actioneaza.

P.S.: Ro translation should come sometime tomorrow. - a venit
P.P.S.: Catre vechiul prieten lemmy – nu cu mult timp in urma imi spunea ca nu stie ce s-a intamplat, cum am ajuns de parti adverse, cum a disparut CRomania. Raspunsul e simplu – o atitudine generala cu ce am vazut azi (de fapt ieri) cand cro a setat CoTD pe RW-ul indian – ignorarea balkanilor, dar tinutul cu dintii de coloniile indiene, in timp ce eRo si-o lua in freza in mod constant. Un sfat: daca el doreste ca eCroatia sa aiba un rol de lider intr-o alianta dominanta, nu are voie sa ignore zona balcanica, din contra.


Hello Everybody,

In the off-chance that at least 5 international subscribers from the old days are not e-dead and would eventually read this, I am writing in English as well.

I may not have been as active in the past year as I was in the times when myself, lemmy, Iaswn diuras, alpho, petsku were more or less leading EDEN from behind the curtains, but blind am I not. Some things have changed, some have not. Now the perspective may be different from various points of view.

One of the things that does not change is the need to change the alliance setup. At all and any times the countries not on the upper hand will want to have something “new” to get them on top. Of course, additionally there are countries who need to have a leading role in an alliance and may not be happy with this as well.

Right now we have Asteria opposition, somehow neutral – ePoland -, a sort of pro-Asteria – eHungary – and of course Asteria among others. Both eHungary and ePoland strong countries, but without a leading role in one alliance or another. This is something they are not used to. So work started a few months ago with polish support for eSlovenia and hungarian work on convincing their serhun counterparts that eRo is the big bad wolf.

But quite a few bigger e-countries have communities with different affinities would not be ok with a change in the alliance setup without a “shock”. So the work continues.

Anti-Asteria coalition needs to show the e-world that eSerbia is not invincible. So with huge amount of money (don’t remember how much lemmy mentioned in his interview with Clopoyaur), 4-5 simultaneous opened fronts (funny how some people are saying eRO+eSer vs eCro right now is just bullying and not right, huh?), something that seemed of non-combat from a part of serbs – or maybe just poor gov’t coordination (I remember this being mentioned also by serb) and last but not least a great move from eHu blocking eRo and thus leading to eSerbia being erased and without congress.

Nevertheless a success is a success great job on the action – talking about the congress part, not erase itself - , apart from the sadness of seeing today only money buys true e-power, I could see something I could not see in a very very long time in erep – coordination, strategy and a common goal.

Still not enough to break the alliance. So next step – an attempt of waking up dissent in eRO community, ser-ro relations, eCro attached eHu yelling “yellow in Budapest”. Though not that many responded so the action was halted. Not much of a “shock”

Time passes on and eSlovenia starts setting COs against eGreece. What they thought would happen? eGreece retaliation and a huge whi… unrest due to certain people fighting for CO against them for true powerhouses such as eAustria and eSwitzerland, but obviously directed at eRo. Still not enough of a “schock”

Did I forget the eGreece-eHungary border in eGermany? Oh yeah, who would have expected a skirmish between these two at one point. eHu is not happy with eSer being in the same alliance as eRo so something needs to change – let’s see if we can get that “shock” done. Why the hell not attack eGreece – when you know you don’t have the tanks, you don’t have the money, you don’t have the MPPs, but you do know you will lose, you do know you will see eRo fighting against you as they anyway have an MPP with your opponents and you would cry to your once baby brother (for those of you who don’t know or can’t remember, when eSerbia was in the early stages or Erep, eHu pretty much nurtured them), but now your only hope of not being on the losing end that big bad eRo is fighting against you.

All went according to plan, with small exception eCro-eHu wannabe war. Until yesterday. Yesterday eSer&eRo set eCro as NE. Well, crap. This is against what any “let’s break Asteria” thinkers. Why? Well, let’s have an imagination exercise. Let’s say eHu is losing against eGreece, let’s say they would ask for eSerbian help like they have done so so many times in the past (I even remember an episode where ro-cro had a joint efforts vs hu, ser intervened and guess who had congress and who did not in the end – a little hint: the ones who always seem to fall on their feet as Clopo would put it), let’s imagine there would be an eSerbia-eGreece border, let’s imagine eSerbia would help out huns and just for argument’s sake let’s imagine by looking at the MPP stacks if Asteria in that point would be disbanded de-facto.

So, if you want to whine because eRo is acting in its alliance’s interest, go ahead. But know this, eRo is taking action.

P.S.: Ro translation should come sometime tomorrow.
P.P.S.: @my old friend lemmy – not long ago you told me you don’t know what happened, how CRomania got broken. A general attitude of what you guys did today with setting CoTD on NEI – ignore Balkans while we were getting our asses kicked and you would hold on with your teeth to your Indian colonies. A piece of advice: if you want a powerhouse alliance, you should play a pivotal role in Balkans.
