Join (Laws and Basics)V1

Day 690, 04:58 Published in Canada Canada by klop123

Tired of old parties and not getting an equal chance...

Join the Judges Party today....
I will start by saying that Judges is about neutrality. We exist to prevent the pendulum from swinging too far in either direction. We are the neutron of the nucleus.
We believe the following; to control healthcare and make it available at no cost for all citizens. All citizens of Canada are required to be armed. All citizens are members of the armed forces. All citizens are police officers. Preliminary officer status is granted at the age of 13. Any youth conviced of a crime between the ages of 13-25 is branded with a mark on the neck and loses officer status. Officer status can be regained at the age of 26 if the youth has no further convictions. Upon conviction of a crime, an aduld citizen loses their status as police officer for life, but is still required to carry a weapon. Upon a second conviction the offender is remanded to slavery for a period of 7 years. After which, they are released but are not allowed to carry a weapon except in battle.
There are few laws and no lawyers, only judges. Physical crimes against an individual are considered heinous. Property crimes are half as heinous. That is sentencing. All convictions carry the loss of officer and weapons rights.
There are judges of 10, 50, 100, 1000, 50,000, 1,000,000. Duels are allowed, but only physical fist fights and embody the olde english rules; you choose a second. Duels are scheduled and not to be held in the heat of the moment. If they are, it constitutes a crime.
Our party believes in the protected electronic observation of everyone at all times. This information is stored in a secure location and is only accessible by judges and only by request for the location and timeframe. This includes dwellings.
When an officer accuses another officer (assuming first offence) of a crime, both officers are suspended immediately of rank until the outcome is decided by a judge. A judge has the right to withdraw officer status from the accused as well as the accuser, depending on the circumstances. Everything is legal under the rule of judges, as long as it doesn't interfere with another individuals enjoyment and right to life. A citizen is responsible for their actions regardless of mental defect, altered state of mind, social situation.
The judges party believes in a government structure as follows;
I'll give you an analogy; The president of the country is the chef. The opposition parties are whiny children, we are the distributors. So here it goes, Chef bakes a pie, kids want a piece, they both want the bigger piece so we cut the pie in as equal portions as we can and let them choose.
Only the presidency of the country is allowed to create legislation. Opposition parties add their input and we try to find the balance between them. Only the country presidency creates legislation and once elected, they are a party unto themselves.
Thank you for reading. This in is no means a final draft. I would appreciate your input as well as ways of publishing my thoughts on the judges party somewhere public. YOU HAVE A CHANCE IN THIS PARTY!
I wish you all the best,
Bradford Parker Nobel and klop123