It's time!

Day 637, 20:57 Published in USA Poland by WillyPedro
Why do it?
I found myself writing longer and longer comments on others' newspapers so it was only natural to create a newspaper where to express my opinions without feeling I was invading somebody else's World...

Main issue
We are playing a game in an eWorld, I see a lot of players getting too carried away with RL patriotism. It is good to have a sense of patriotism but we should look more at what makes more sense to advance in the eRep. This is not a trivial issue, a good part of what makes this game interesting IS the connection with RL countries/cultures/patriotism!

So we need enough patriotism to stick with one eCountry to make the game viable and interesting (as an individual ePlayer it may be better to switch sides to advance more within the game), but we should not over do it to the point where we do not make decisions that are the best from an eRep perspective...

So considering all this, is the peace treaty with PEACE really our (eUS AND allies) best option?

I'm not a USA citizen in RL, English is not even my first language. But I'm a true eUSA citizen and I'm going to stick with it!

United vs. Divided
No matter what happens in the next few days with the war, the eUS has been affected by a big division that got ugly in many media fronts. We witnessed a lot of personal attacks that were driven more than anything by players that seemed to make no distinction (correct me here with the words... 🙂 between RL and eRep... This will leave us marked and will be a hinder to the (rebuilding) process that will start soon.

The peace treaty argument
At the time I'm writing this the eUS is down to 6 states with things not looking good in the one open battle. So it is safe to assume that by the time you read this we'll be down to 5 states... That means that if we are to pay back for all the taken states but 3-4 it will be a lot of gold going to the PEACE war chests...

The counter-argument is that with all those recovered states we can generate the revenue to pay for that gold AND more. (I do not believe that this will work where we will be able to pay AND generate enough extra revenue to make the eUS strong enough). In 4 months what may well happen is that we get attacked again and fall back to the exact same position we are at now... With PEACE getting even stronger (because these 4 months would be an opportunity for them to keep advancing in other fronts...).

What if...?
We lost about 8,000 eUS citizens in this war. If we assume that we can give those eCitizens orders and that they will follow them for the benefit of eUSA, WHAT IF we ask them to move to allied eCountries where we can negotiate to share from the resulting profit of a massive eBaby Boom!?!?

Wouldn't that help us better to get stronger for a massive counter attack were we can get ALL the states back (or at least the ones that make the most eSense...)

My 2 cents...