Israel, the next turkish puppet

Day 1,635, 13:20 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by KrumStrashnii

Israel has proposed Bulgaria as Natural Enemy and now it needs their Congress approval.

After Greece was the first country to NE us after we left EDEN because of Turkey, there were Ukraine, Romania, etc ... but they were all expected.

Tonight, Israel has started to vote us for Natural Enemy, as asked by their puppeteers from EDEN HQ.

I must say, I'm quite surprised, because I thought that Greece and Ukraine are the only countries, who would do something like that, in order to help a country, which occupied their original regions for quite a while. But I guess I was wrong and there are more like them. I guess by being under turkish occupation for a month or so, the israeli started to feel closer to the turks.

No problem, we are not afraid. Our tanks are ready for any kind of combat.