Iran Expelled From North America

Day 669, 12:52 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz
19 September 2009, Day 669 of the New World. YELLOWKNIFE – The Canadian offensive against Iran succeeded in retaking another territory today. The last Iranian stronghold in North America fell, returning sovereignty of Canada’s north and its rich diamond reserves.

While the war had not officially activated either nation’s mutual protection pacts, a massive international effort was coordinated on behalf of Canada and Iran. Tanks from the United States, Sweden, Croatia, and Romania were spotted in the liberation of Yellowknife, all foreigners stationed in Canada for the campaign. The hero of the allies was Filurkatten, a Croatian national stationed in Alberta.

Iran was defending their last North American region with a Q5 hospital and Q5 defense system. Fixed gun positions lining the Mackenzie River were destroyed in the campaign.

Hungarian tanks were also sighted in the fray, but their efforts could not hold off the superior allied forces for the Iranian occupation. The hero of the failed defense was Imdo, who dealt an astounding 30285 damage. He was stationed in the Northwest Territories when it was captured.

Iran still occupies territories rightfully belonging to China, such as Jilin and iron-rich Liaoning, and territories rightfully belonging to India, such as grain-rich Uttar-Pradesh.