Iowa Congressional Activity

Day 520, 15:23 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

Dear Citizens of Iowa,

As you already know, the 25th is an election day. You may remember me from the last election, where I came the closest, in a long time, to beating Desertfalcon in the PP elections. Whether you remember this previous campaign, or not does not change the reason why I ran. I still believe in the fundamental idea of staying active in eRepublik and especially the eUSA Congress. eAmerica is under the extreme risk of falling into inactivity. We eAmericans cannot allow this to happen, at all costs. The multitude of “zombies” running for congress may seem active now, but what will they do when they win? Many will not take part in congressional discussions, or they will break the approval systems. Inexperience will also prove to cause a problem within congress, limiting progress/growth. With inactivity there will be more security attacks, more pointless wars, and more political takeovers. These potential disasters are beginning to take place now in other countries. Now I offer you another option for congress so that this doesn’t happen…..myself.

I know that Iowa has had issues with inactive congressmen in the past, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be corrected. I will remain as active as possible during my time in the Hall. If I plan on being absent, I will let everyone know: for example, I will not be here from the 25th to the 27th so I will not be able to sign in, but I will when I return. It is really not that hard. I have shown my ability to get along with many parties, as well: CVP, Lib, AAP, NP, Feds, UIP, and even the active members within the USWP. This multipartisanship has been lacking in congress for a while now, although it is starting to be corrected. My platform is quite typical yet vital. I still am against infrastructure spending, but would be more open to ideas now than I was before. I also believe that lower taxes are in order, although some of the import taxes could be increased. Helping to spread democracy through congress would be one of my ultimate goals, such as holding local decision votes or pming citizens about vital questions in congress. I have tried my best in the past to answer, help and cooperate with everyone in the past. Now I believe I can help do the same for eAmerica on a whole. Elect Mattoze5 for Iowa’s increased active role in congress, and don’t forget: It is the person behind the keyboard who counts.

God Bless eAmerica,