Interviewings with Kusuri Uri - Mans of mystery is....

Day 2,499, 00:41 Published in Pakistan United Kingdom by Agent Chieftain

Hello peoples. Here is be my new super cool series for makings big funs with everyone in game. If you be liking please be sending me more ideas for interviews in comments. I be now super best reportings of my hole. Yaayyyy!

First interviewings be with old player legendary internationals player from all worlds been living. Kusuri Uri I be liking this name because it be like a funny rhyme and me be gangsta likings so is cool. Here is my special interviews. Yo cheeba, I be be ringing it. (Yaayyyyy for gangsta!)

1. What is meaning your name as it is very unusuals?

It's an Anime/Manga Character, known as the Medicine Seller.

2. What is being you biggest thing you ever be doings in game is?

I have been a Country President four times, many times in Congress.

3. What you be changing of game if you could be doings?

I change my name all the time, I created the module through a ticket. I'm fickle, I'd like to have Soldier Blue... but it was one of my failed accounts.

4. You always sayings Daosim. Why is you be from chinese land?

I am in Taiwan at the moment freeing a Japanese territory.

5. Why be Pakistan having so many parties and what is being best future for paksitan is?

The best thing Pakistan can do Politically is join one Party, of course the Stardust Crusaders have been here from the start and they are the oldest Party here so they should join it.

6. What being is you thinkings about alliances and is being the next big thing in alliances in games being?

Alliances currently are just billboards, no one is thinking harder than that I think. I guess the biggest thing to happen to Alliances would be one of them actually functioning.

7. Who is being biggest ally for Pakistan?

We've had a lot of historic Allies in the game but they never actually helped us in any real way. I think the eUS is a strong current Ally, though eTurkey might take the spot light due to their location to us.

8. Cats or dogs or cows or sheeps?

I like kitties.

9. Lemons or cod or cheese or beefs?

I enjoy steaks. Medium rare please.

10. Blacks or blues or brown or yellows?

Blue is okay.

So now I be doing Dr Delian specials psychotic analyses of interviewings using latest specials analysis from Mumbai Universisties.

Here it is.....

Kusuri Uri be living alone and be liking his comics that is be old with pages sticking from age. He be not interested in making big statuses, and be very friendly helpings people before makings big fame and money's is. He be bit feminine but be wantings to be big man and is also be sensitive. He be emotionals and likings kindness and wantings be likings.

Yayyyyyy for new trend in game! Greate reportings and free psychotic testings!

Who I be doings next is?
