Interview With Former President Evry

Day 1,724, 17:19 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

Post-Presidential Interview

This is also another one of those always wonderful Meet The Press traditions, where, in addition to interviewing the incoming POTUS, we also interview the one that just left. Since the last month or so has been quite a controversial time period here in the eUS, I expect the comments to be heavily divided, and that's alright, since it means people are trying their best to stay informed about the issues of the day.

Interview With Evry

1. How do you feel like your term in office went? Was there anything you would have done differently?

As I explained in my latest article: I view my term as a success. I accomplished all of my campaign goals, albeit via occasionally unintentional means, and I wouldn't change any of my big decisions.

2. What are you expecting from your successor, Glove?

I'm expecting him to continue on with the foreign policy set up by my predecessor and of a non-balkan future.

3. What would you consider the greatest accomplishment of your administration?

Probably destroying ONE.

4. Would you consider the RLC to be a major player in American politics?

I view the RLC as a major issue, however, they as a party shouldn't be players in the national political scene. They are however a part of the discussion in the terms of "what should we do about them".

5. Who do you think is the best eUS President of all-time and why?

I can't pick any one President. I'll give you a Top 3 though of Presidents who excelled in their own ways. Josh Frost (incited the masses), PiginZen (took us out of EDEN), St. Krems (created a third alliance, Panam).

6. What is your favorite aspect of eRepublik? (media, politics, economy, etc.)

I've always held economics close to my heart, however, the economic module has fallen apart and has no real substance to it anymore.

7. Is there anything else you would like to say to the American people, to the readers of Meet The Press, or to myself?

Stay strong, and don't drink the haterade.


I am once again glad to bring to you all another interview from Meet The Press, and of course, I thank Evry for getting back to me within hours of me sending out this list of questions.

Until next time, I'm Portcolumbus, and this is Meet The Press.