Interview With Civil Anarchy

Day 1,719, 13:14 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

Why Not A Series?

At this point, running the Meet The Candidates series with the candidates of the top five parties included, like the original plan, isn't possible due to Haliman dropping out, and Glove still having his questions list outstanding. I will say that Glove didn't get nearly as much time to complete his responses as the other guys that got theirs done, and so it could be easily expected that his list is still outstanding.

That being said, at this moment, I have responses from only one candidate that is on the ballot from a top five party, and that candidate is Civil Anarchy. I will run this interview, and if before the night is out Glove somehow gets me his replies to the questions I sent him, then I will try my best to make a last-minute edit of this article and include both of those candidates.

Next month, I plan on again trying to run the Meet The Candidates series, and starting to speak with the top five parties as soon as the PP elections are done to ensure that I am not running around trying to keep tabs on the ballot like I was this month.

Interview With Civil Anarchy

1. What do you feel the greatest challenge facing the nation is right now and why?

The greatest challenge that we currently face as a nation is finding ourselves on the international stage, and setting in place a new foreign policy that fits the needs of our nation, while continuing to protect some of our oldest and most valuable allies. It’s an incredibly difficult process to go through, especially considering we’re dealing with a largely bi-polar world. Considering it’s almost entirely impossible to step on the toes of former allies when reaching out to neutral ones, we need to be able to explain our actions adequately, as well as get through the tenuous first steps of a national relationship. Determining which countries are viable new allies is also a substantial challenge, considering the fact that some nations truly cannot be trusted on their word, while others have the potential to be great allies, but their alignment throws a significant barrier in that way. Overall, determining our foreign policy direction is something that needs care, tact, and above all, a dedicated team of individuals working to establish and build these relationships. That includes everyone from the ambassador to the MoFA, doing their job effectively, in order for it truly to be successful.

2. What political party do you think is the most dominant in the last three months, and why?

I don’t think any top 5 party has been dominant for the last 3 months. To be entirely honest with you, I would pick the last three months are a grey area for that exact dichotomy that we usually have. In ⅔ last months, the USWP has had more congressmen than the AMP, but not by a large margin. And in contrast to that, the AMP has been increasing at a rate larger than the USWP, and has been more active on the community side with their new programs meant to increase party member retention. So, I honestly couldn’t tell you which party is dominant, because they’re kind of in a grid lock period right now.

3. What do you feel the national policy toward the RLC should be going forward?

The RLC is a party built upon, and supportive of, measures that hurt our country, and has gotten to the point that they need to be dealt with this month. Between coordinated impeachments abusing game mechanics, to letting in over 30 rogue citizens in the last week, to blocking 1.2 million USD worth of funds, the RLC has established itself as a party dedicated to hurting the United States. The leadership must be dealt with, or we’re going to be dealing with a group of people that will continue to let in questionable and hostile individuals to further their own gains at a rate we cannot respond to. We can still deal with the RLC, and prevent their PTO’er candidates from getting on the ballot, but only as a country, and only supporting a native, American, RLC’er.

4. If you were President, and a proposal was brought to your desk about ATOing the RLC, would you sign off on the proposal?

Sign it? I’d write the proposal myself, announce it, and present it to the RLC leadership at the head of the citizens I’d lead to ATO their party.

5. What are some ideas that you have that you believe would help the nation?

I’m championing these things called Pacts of Territorial Integrity, that would allow us to work around a lot of the pitfalls of international diplomacy, and work past the mines of the bipolar world alliance structure. In addition to that, I have intentions to start work on developing the Civilian Military Unit more, adapting the NSC system to be more encompassing and effective, using the mentor program as a way of vetting potential new citizens as well as new players, and a number of other initiatives I’d sincerely like to try out during my term.

6. Who is your favorite eUS President of all-time and why?

I would say Cerb would be one of my favorite Presidents. I felt as though his term tackled a lot of different things, instead of defining the presidency on single issues. Through proper delegation, putting the right people in the right places, and motivating people to get involved, he was able to cover a wide range of goals that ended up helping us greatly. The variety of ambition, while still backing up the promises, really sold me on the value of his presidency. That sort of administration is exactly the kind that I’d like to replicate during my term.

7. What is your favorite thing about eRep (media, military, economy, politics, etc.) and why?

I’m a Media guy, I suppose. I’m a big fan of writing incredibly long articles just ranting and saying whatever I like. The idea of having an eRep wide platform for ideas and communication is a big plus in my eLife. You can have a ton of experience in parties, politics, the military, or whatever, but it’s very difficult to appeal to a large audience without the ability to write a strong article, and market yourself to the public.

8. What do you offer to the American people that the other candidates running do not?

The strength to take down the RLC and deal with the problems that they present to our country, something my opponents lack. I’m a candidate who always keeps his word, and will sacrifice personal ego for the betterment of the country.

9. Is there anything you would like to say to the American people, the readers of Meet The Press, or myself?

Thanks for running the series Port, I think it’s a highly informative series, and it’s fitting in quite well to my love of Media. Keep doing what you’re doing, because it helps our country as a whole.


Again, as soon as I get Glove's responses to this article's questions, I will then edit them into the article and make sure that the Meet The Candidates Series is titled appropriately. Thanks for everyone who wanted to see this series, and though it's not like I wanted it, I still did what I could.

Also, I would like to ask everyone to tune into tonight's return episode of World Wide Whitehead, which was one of the nation's most listened to radio shows during the first run of WWW. I myself got my true start on the eRadio scene by working as a co-host with Josh and Jon Malcolm, and now, I will have the honor of being one of the callers on tonight's show.

As always, I'm Portcolumbus, and this is Meet The Press.