Interview : Glorious Conolly

Day 861, 23:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by mirek12345

Hello,I bring to you an interwiev with Glorious Conolly , 9 times TD(7 times as garettDA ) , Labour party member and ,citizen you can look up to

mirek12345: tell me something about yourself in RL.
GC: I live in North Carolina
GC:I am a republican socialist
GC: I want to move to Ireland IRL
GC: I like food and the outdoors
mirek12345: That's very good

mirek12345: what brought you to Erepublik ?
GC: I was on a forum when I believe it was Patton made a thread about this game
GC: so I joined up
GC: might of not been patton though

mirek12345: How much time did it past , since you joined erep?
GC: Around 2 and a half years
GC: 😛
Mirek12345: wow, that's much

mirek12345: What do you think , since , then , did ''state within the state '' got better or not?
GC: Its gotten a lot better
GC: Labour members commitment to it has impressed me
mirek12345: I'm glad to hear that

mirek12345: Your first account was really excellent,7 times in congress , how come you got baned , and what's your comment
GC: Well during my first few weeks of erepublik life I started about 5 multies in order to get gold from invitations. I used the multies for about a week and then gave up on them. So about a year later me and mannimarco were running communes together. Him and BB had there fake revolution which I did not think was fake at the time. So I cut ties with mannimarco and he changed the passwords to the...
GC: ...commune org that I had worked so hard for. Top Gun approached me and told me he figured out manni's password. So I went onto his account and changed his password. Later on I used his account to comment in an article, this was very stupid of me. Next day I tried to log on but found out that I had been banned for multiing

mirek12345: I'm sorry for garettDA
GC: thanks

mirek12345: What are all your jobs ; ministries and all that stuff?

GC:Under theus jackus I was minister of LULZ where I started up the first Irish State Lottery

GC: Under Starks Hayter I was a teacher for theus jackus who was the minister of education, but because of the impeachment most of my work was in vain.

GC: And under dubh/JSK I am the minister of technology where me and michael collins have gotten together data about ireland, but MC did most of the work in the beginning

GC: I was also CO of Division 10 and CO of Vyse's vanguard which used to be the tank division

GC: I can go into non government stuff like communes and paramilitary groups if you want

mirek12345: sure, why not

GC: Ive attempted 2 times to create communes which were all very successful until they were stolen or removed because of internal disputes.

GC: I was a member of the eIrish Republican Brotherhood in beta where I fought in WW1 and 2.

mirek12345: go on
GC: I helped form the Provisional Government with CiarancheXavier when Victor P PTOd ireland

GC: During WW3 I was a spy for the Irish Volunteer Force, I infiltrated pheonix as a double spy and moved to America. We had a plan where I would trick pheonix into doing something and in return USA would help eIreland invade the north. But of course this plan failed because of russias invasion of the US

mirek12345: wow, a spy, preety impressive
GC: More recently I was a spy for a communist organization, I infiltrated both eden and pheonix
GC: but have since cut my ties with that organization
GC: no more spying for me

mirek12345: By your opinion , who was the best president till now?
GC: Very hard to say, but Micheal Collins and Imanewbie both did great jobs back in 2008, Id say that they are tied

mirek_interview: good

mirek_interview: Where do you see eIreland in 6 months?
GC: Well there are only 2 things that can happen
GC: Either we get somewhat stronger
GC: Or we will be conquered by the UK
GC: unfortunatly it is more likely at the moment that we will be conquered

mirek_interview: How do you see the ''state within the state'' ?
GC: I think it is a great idea, it is almost impossible to convince all of ireland to go communist. So we might as well create are own communist state inside of eIreland. This way we can still be communist while still helping eIreland as a whole. Maybe even in the future we can show that Communism works better.

mirek_interview: 9 times congress member, how do you succeed?
GC: Well, Ive been lucky enough to be in parties like Labour and the ISRP that have great vote management

mirek_interview: but that's not all, you must be popular within the people?
GC: hehe
GC: I would like to think so
GC: I dont know if everyone likes me, but I try and keep it so that no one hates me.
mirek_interview: That's good

mirek_interview: And for the end , a message from experienced player to new players

GC: Dont get caught up in the pointless squabbling that many eIrish citizens have resorted too. Just try your hardest and do what you believe is the right thing to do. Also, no matter how many times you try and leave eIreland, it will always suck you back.

mirek_interview: thank you for this interview

GC:thank you for the opportunity