In With The New

Day 506, 19:33 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

I would like to start off by thanking those of you out there who have supported me, or even just put in a kind word. All of this will help to make what has seemed to be impossible in the past, come true. One such impossibility was the chance at working together with other parties, in cooperation and communication: even the ones we may not agree with. Other parties have agreed to work with us, but this will not be possible if we continue to ignore each other. Another such impossibility is moving forward in Erepublik progress through active responsibility and knowledge. Getting to know the people who go to congress is a must, but this can only be achieved by an active party. So far the Primaries have been running smoothly. Continue to visit the CVP eUSA Forums and nominate candidates. I would really love to hear from CVP members or anyone in Erepublik who has questions or concerns about the future of the CVP or my platform. Please feel free to pm me or leave a comment.

Basically I would like to re-hash what I have said before. The activity of the CVP is reliant on the activity of its leaders. One such new plan would allow for the rewarding of active members in congress, with support. Those who are inactive will be pmed and if there is no correction, then a new candidate (who actively responds) will be accepted for nomination in that state (despite incumbency). Those in the hierarchy of the CVP also need to stay active and make their voices heard. Helping the newcomers who come to Erepublik is another essential. I have tried to help any new member who has asked for assistance, rather than just pass the buck [or Frank] to someone else. The recent attack on the QMG Weapons is another problem that needs cooperation from everyone in order to be fixed (no matter whose fault it was.) I’m not here to criticize or complain about Erepublik issues that do not involve the CVP, but solutions will cause just as much backlash if there is no compromise. As a PP I could only do so much, but having these views would definitely affect my choices for congress nominations. I am not going to nominate someone who is unwilling to cooperate (or even respond to pms.)

I hope I have reiterated some of the things that may have been unclear, or not descriptive enough in the previous article I wrote (

I cannot guarantee the satisfaction of every single person in Erepublik, but I can guarantee you the best treatment as a person, rather than an avatar. It�s the person behind the keyboard who counts.

God Bless the Conservative Party,
God Bless the eUSA,
And God Bless RL America