i love the united socialist republik of america!

Day 2,135, 03:40 Published in USA USA by ComputerSpeaker

I love our slave labor camps! i love our governemt control economy!

i love ur governemtn controlled military!

i love that average citizens cannot afford weps!

boy don't we just love the USSR, ohh wait i mean the USRA!

hm i am kinda upset! anyone else get the letter fome the "president of the united states" who specifically tells you if you do not vote for who he wants you to vote for you are a terriost? you guys get that letter? i thought this was a democracy! if you want to get ellected you do good! if you want to get ellected you help the majority!

not if you get ellected you convince everyone to be afriad of all other leards who pose aa threat to and do not cupport the current leader.

i am certain if our current president had the power to kill citizens he would first start with the jews! then the handicaped! then those who are black! then those who have eaten chicken! the nthose who have short fingernails! then anyone not self sufficient, then anyone who had an idea. then if he succed he would have killed everyone and taken their resources and build the

united stated of oblige!

do not let democracy be lost, please please, vote for who you want because you want to, not because your afriad the government will kill you.