I am still here...

Day 1,151, 17:55 Published in Belgium Egypt by A Vegan


Did you think I have up?
Not really...

I believe in eDemocracy and that is why I am here!

Want to be part of the revolution?
Then this is your change!

Join me at the Belgian PT Party and vote A Vegan (that is me) for Party President!
This will be a slow revolution, but a revolution none the less. It's time to change eBelgium. And change it from within! Slowly we will change how eBelgium is run. But to do that I NEED YOUR VOTE!

Lets stop the multis, lets stop the traitors, lets stop the dictators!

I came back for YOU!!!!

Show me you believe in eDemocracy, join the Belgian PT Party (even if it is only for a day) and VOTE A VEGAN!!!!!