I'm back!

Day 2,208, 14:03 Published in Denmark Denmark by Gucio


I thought I'll say hello to everyone, or well hello again 😛. It seems like yet again I'm back in Denmark (I do wonder why lol).

Also, just to point out and make everyone aware, due to my nationality (yes this is a threat), most of you should be fairly careful. I'm currently working hard with the colleagues about getting the living places (addresses nd stuff) of most of the Danish players, as I need some car and some car parts. So if one day you wake up and your car isn't there, please don't worry, it should only be gone temporarily! If you're lucky you maybe will get your wheels back (flat with holes ofc). As of the rest of the car in case someone wonders you will be more than welcome to purchase the parts of eBay or sth.

Anyways! It's great to be back in Denmark! Oh and the first 5 comments might get some tanks (if you're lucky) haha.

GL! o/