Hope, Change, and all that crap

Day 938, 09:43 Published in USA USA by Nova Coru

Hey everyone! Thanks for electing me party president! Not that there was much of a choice 😛

As president, one thing I hope to do is increase our membership. To do this, I think we should start spending the massive amount of gold we have in our treasury on the only thing it can be used for: advertising. As such, we need something to advertise 😛 If anyone makes any article about how awesome the techs are, send me a link and I can start advertising it

Another thing I'd like to work on is inter-party relations. As such, I'm pleased to report that the UIP has agreed to run our members for congress! 😃. So if anyone at all is interested in running, LET ME KNOW. We need to let people know that Techs can into congress! In addition to this, I also have received an offer from a member of the Socialist Freedom Party about merging communes. Before I make any decision, I'd like to know what you guys think about it, so comment or shoot me a message or whatever 😛

Speaking of decisions and stuff, I suppose I should announce my cabinet now shouldn't I? It's very truncated from last time, mainly because I haven't heard from a few people. If you should be on this last and aren't, tell me:

Gnaeus Progenitor: Vice President!
Eugenius Godfreius Edwardius: Senior Advisor Person!
PaminBB: Company Director!
Pheno Sony: UIP Ambassador and pretty sweet dude!
Herr Nicholas: Party advisor! (Gratz on winning the UIP election 😉
Stephen Brenize: Party mentor!

Thats all I can think of. As you can see, were criminally understaffed. Keep an eye out for open positions if your interested.

I look forward to being your president Techs. I'll try not to let you down 🙂

-Nova Coru

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Official Technocratic Party Newspaper: http://tinyurl.com/ykgy79v
Technocrat IRC Channel: #techparty
Erepublik Beginner's Orientation: http://tinyurl.com/38gqv93