Day 2,616, 05:11 Published in Israel Israel by Rufus1988

A politician without perspective is like a car without engine. They will be rusted in the garage, and take up the place. The solution is more simple than as many people imagine it. We just have to replace them for a new one, a faster one.

I know we can not live in a country, where the state is responsible for everything, and no one is responsible for state. The future of our marvelous county is in the hands of the hard-working citizens. They do businesses, create jobs, pay taxes, they work against the wind.

And what was the gratitude for their work?

The state must support our entrepreneurs, with subsidy, customs, and fair taxes.
And our community must decide who we support when we go to market. I think I am not obligated to pay money to my enemy for new weapons.

Do not forget, who we are, and where we live.
Sometimes we should work uncompromisingly, and it is that time.

Do you think we would ever have left from Egypt if Moses had gone out and said, ‘how much does it cost to leave? He said to Pharaoh, let us leave, or accept the consequences.

It is the only way, to become a progressive country.