Hey. UIP. Listen up

Day 1,069, 23:21 Published in USA USA by Pheno Sony

Hey. You. Yes you. UIP member. If you don’t know who I am, then you’re silly. I’m your PP. I know this whole voting and congress this is fairly confusing. I get it, its hard to learn. Let me try to explain it to you.

First of all, every congressional election is done OUT of game. We send out forms for people to fill out to either sign up as a blocker, or a legit candidate. Let me be honest with you though, if you're not involved with the UIP forums, you probably wont be a high priority. So let me say this, right here and now. GET INVOLVED IN THE FORUMS.

(Oh look at that, it magically appeared)

While I'm being honest, let me tell you another congressional secret. Its one thing to come out of the blue and ask to be in congress. Its a total 'nother thing to be hanging around with us for a few weeks before congress comes up. We like that. 🙂 One of the best places you can hang out with us is in our IRC channel. Try it

(Note: You need to be signed up in the forums to view this thread. So if you're a UIP member, SIGN UP.)

One last thing you can do is sign up to give up your vote for UIP members in the eUS. Now i know what you're thinking. "OH GOSH PHENO, THAT SOUNDS SCARY!?"

It's really not. I've been doing it for 6 months now. When you fill out this link, it means you will give up your vote for a congressional person. Yes, that is unfortunate. BUT! You're vote will be used for a UIP candidate who is struggling to win a certain state. So essentially, you'll be helping the UIP where we are most needed. YAY FOR YOU! Just fill out the link and then hold your vote until you get instructions.


Last think I wanted to touch on, UIP, is that we're amazing. Seriously, we are. We've been growing and growing every month, and there's no end in sight. It’s up to you whether or not you’re going to be a part of the elite group of actives UIP'ers or a spectator. Which one are you going to choose?