Here he comes, All Hail the New President

Day 2,414, 19:08 Published in Australia Australia by An Australian Man

First of, congratulations to Mr Sherlock Homes for his upcoming victory in the CP election and getting the backing of the (No Comment) ADP. In my opinion, it's good to see some new blood in the head office instead of our last two CP (I'm not saying your Sh*thouse, i'm just saying that it's time for someone new to lead us into a inevitable loss against {in a sarcastic voice} the "Northern Colony of Australia".)

And bad luck to (insert loser hear) for the land-slide against his party, because running a campaign with the ADP behind the other candidate is like the Charge of the Light Horse Brigade, (look it up) or the (Real Life) ALP losing to the Liberals after what Gillard did.

And on a note to APP members, where too quite, speak up and lets make this party able to fight against the ADP.

Vote for Sherlock on the 5th

A Just Man

P.S. a public safety announcement, please don't do what Todd Carny did, Because the DOEE will (probably) show people doing it on there next post