Help India

Day 836, 16:08 Published in USA USA by Haseo777

I would like to do a more formal intro but this is an emergency.

Vote this up:

As some of us know, India is under attack from Iranians, Serbians, Russians......

You're probably thinking: "I don't see any wars, how is India under attack?"

It's called a Political Takeover or PTO. Basically a PTO is when a country sends large numbers its own players to a different country to influence elections for their own benefit. Effectively stripping native players and their country of their rights as a sovereign eNation.

Why is this bad?

India has graciously leased the high iron region of Karnataka to us. Iron is pretty much the most important resource in this game. If the enemy succeeds in taking over this region, we'll be on our way to a 1 on 1 fight with Serbia which we can't afford or win at the moment.

What can you do?

PM the user Herr Vootsman. He will send you a ticket to India.

Upon arrival, request citizenship using this message: I am here to help India defend itself against PTO from multis people intending harm.

When Citizenship is granted, please vote for Abhi347 of the India United Party

After you vote, move back to Karnataka USA if you weren't there already.

The link below has all the info as to why you shoul😛

If you desire to help India in the future, keep your Indian citizenship.

If you have already voted you can still help by donating money to the Strategic Air Command. They are the military organization that stops PTOs. Any amount will do.

Stopping PTOs is an easy way to get involved in the game and I believe every player should participate in an ATO mission at least once..