Hello ePhilippines!

Day 1,532, 15:29 Published in Philippines Netherlands by lancer450

Hello my fellow eFilipinos! I’m new to the ePhilippines; just becoming a citizen today, actually. xD

To start off, my name is lancer450. I have moved around a couple of times during my eLife. I started out in eAustralia and I am a former Prime Minister of eAustralia, a former four-time Senator (Congressman) for Queensland, and a former Deputy Speaker of the eAustralian Senate. I was also a Minister and Deputy Minister of Information under the Majester government a few months ago, as well as a former Party President of the largest political party in eAustralia, the Australian Independent Party.

Back in November, I decided to make a change and moved to the eUnited States. I joined the Revolutionary Party and decided to make an “e-vacation” out of it. Shortly, I became a Congressman for the state of Oregon and helped run the Revolutionary Academy and Party Campaign Department. I was also, and still am, the eAustralian Ambassador to the eUnited States.

After a couple of months, I felt it was time to move on once again and experience something new. I heard about the migration to the ePhilippines from a couple of my friends and decided to go for it! So here I am!

I hope to help the ePhilippines in any way I can whilst I am here!

Pinoy Pride!
Hail ePhilippines!

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