Happy Independence day!

Day 1,688, 15:40 Published in Serbia United Kingdom by GregoryG

A fun fact for you guys across the pond!

Thomas Jefferson, the ingenious guy who wrote the Declaration of Independence, is in fact none other than:

STANNIS BARATHEON assuming this idenetity.

He is a known grammarnazi ( yay😒 ) so he was just the right guy for the job.

But enough with the foolishness. Seriously, have a nice holiday. I hope the weather is scorching hot over there too ( where in most place is at least, Washington state probably has rain atm, am I right? ) perfect for a nice cold beer.

We also have a small gift to you, our scientists have been working relentlessly on. We on this nice day happily present you the Higgs boson so that things can actually have mass.



ehrm I mean
