
Day 2,983, 03:12 Published in India India by Patanjali
Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ

Few year ago, Nagapratyhus told me about how he perceive the educational system from India. Back then he was a student of Chennai IIT, mean time he became an engineer, so I have to believe him 🙂 .
However, he told me that today college (especially those … technical) are like a cattle farm, breading and growing animals for the slaughterhouse.
It was … scary and I considered it to be an overreaction of a student that take too much pressure from teachers, exams, etc., but … those days I found (thanks to an old friend and eFriend) an article of The Guardian, telling the story of Peter Higgs (yes, the one that told us about the boson with the same name) and he’s view on today academic system.

This scholar (Higgs) say: “I wouldn't be productive enough for today's academic system” because “now academics are expected to keep churning out papers”. And this remind me the story of devas churning the mountain 😃 .

From the ancient Gurukul system (the first educational system known to humans in Kali Yug), where the aims of education where:
1. Self-control
2. Development of character
3. Generation of sociability or social awareness
4. Integral development of personality
5. Propagation of purity
6. Preservation of knowledge and culture.
We face now a system that focus on … productivity, like any other factory or manufacture, being, too much, related to cost effectiveness and … forgetting, somehow, the above mentioned objectives of a normal, natural educational system.

Pretty much, the same here (in eR) too.
This game could be played, by everyone, in a different manner. You could take it as a war game, an economic modelling game (as bad as the economical module is) or you could play it at sea level, meaning you just click once a day and did not get involved.
Sure, this way differences appear between players, and one could feel like An insect among Gods or became himself a Legend.
Still, like in today academic system, those that became “Legends” will be much more appreciated and will tend to became models, because ppl are not very attracted toward … insects.

Now, knowing that in today RL India, there are, still, schools following Gurukul system, I’m wondering if you could tell me more about them. Perhaps some of you followed such a school or know someone who did.
Also, I’m willing to know how you see the today academic / educational system, considering this global society and the small differences between countries.

Meri shubhkaamanaaye aapke saath hai !