Great "traitors" of recent American History

Day 394, 16:20 Published in USA Canada by Dillan Stone

So, now the Dover allies, eager to blame their failures in war on anyone other than themselves, has decided to call out the USWP as traitors. Funny.

I have been speaking out against the war in France since day 1. Does that make me a traitor? I suppose our RL President-elect is a traitor too, for speaking against the war in Iraq. I suppose John Kerry was a traitor for speaking out against the Vietnam War. Or Mohammed Ali for that matter.

Disagreement is not treason. Failure to tolerate disagreement, however, is treasonous to everything America stands for.

Then again, so is this war.

We dissent from the war because we honestly believe that this war is BAD for the entire country. Not just us. The U.S. Doing what we believe is in the best interest of the country is not treason.

Note that the accusers have not come up with a single incident of actual betrayal. Only dissent. There is no evidence - not one whatsoever - of the USWP as a group donating money to our enemies in this war, or of donating weapons, or of fighting alongside PEACE against the US.

Because there has been none. Those of us who are against this war speak out against it, but we do not betray the United States.

By the way - until about 2 or 3 days ago, I was not in the USWP - and it was mainly because the USWP endorsed the chickenhawk Dover who got us into this war. I left the USWP because I believed all of the top parties were pro-war. And all of them were wrong. I don't speak "for" the USWP, and the USWP doesn't speak "for" me - but on the war, we now agree. I speak for myself, however. And I think I speak for every other dissenter against this foolish war.

The Truth is, there are people who are ashamed of their failure, and are just lashing out for someone to blame their losses on. A convenient scapegoat. It's politically easier to blame someone else than it is to accept that the other side was right all along, after all.

So string up the noose, if that's your pleasure. I would rather stand along side men like Obama, Kerry and Ali, than stand along side the small-minded who condemned them in their time for speaking Truth to Power.