Gold Party Charter

Day 2,077, 05:12 Published in South Africa South Africa by Wilpanzer

Greetings Fellow South Africans
I present to you the charter of the South African Gold Party.

The South African Gold Party Charter

Party Statement:

SAGP wants to change the current status quo by fomenting revolution, enlightenment and patriotism.

The SAGP strives to bring social stability to eSouth Africa. We don't only strive for equality for our own members, but also for all the people of eSA. The foundation of SAGP's beliefs is believing that all our active members are golden. An individual given time, opportunity and reward will not only yield great results for himself/herself, but also his/her community. We therefore give new and old members alike ample opportunity to run for congress and to promote their opinion or beliefs.

SAGP strives for equality, but specifically inclusiveness. We've noted that there's an unnoticed elite residing in eSA. We don't know whether this elite was intentionally created or automatically founded within a sub-group in eSA, but we want everyone in eSA to have an equal chance at having an A-Grade political career.

We also believe in the free flow of information. Whether a government wants it or not. A basis of a successful democracy is the free flow of information between the government and people. We therefore strive for respectable seats in the cabinet and congress in order to provide quality representation for our people. We also invest a lot of interest in our party spokesperson, who shares vital information to his/her party members or fellow South Africans.

PP Nomination and Election:
No SAGP member shall stand for PP election more than 1 term in a row unless there shall be no other candidate available, new or old. Any player nominating for PP must have been a member of the party at least 1 month prior to running.

Congress Nomination, placement and election:

A) Nominations shall be declared in game through intention to run via in game candidacy. Those who intend to run for congress should declare intent before the 21st of the month. The Party Primary for ranking shall be ran from the 21st until Midway through the 24th.

B. The Primary Process shall consist of party members voting on the candidates they support to be on the ballot, each party member shall list the top 5 candidates they prefer in an order of 1-5. On the 24th the order will be set based on the number of preference votes a candidate gets in primary.

C) No Member shall serve more than 10 terms in congress a year, unless no other member is available to fill all available positions.

CP Candidate Nomination:
A) Any Highly Active SAGP member has the right to nominate for the CP election, and will be considered before any non party member to receive Party support.

😎should no SAGP member choose to run, or there are reasons the Party as a whole believes they would not be suitable at that time, then the party shall hold a vote regarding the support of another candidate from another party, provided that the candidate receives a 66% party majority vote of those actually voting.
We as the GP members have well established ourselves as the opposition in eSA. We have fielded the majority of the opposition CP candidates over the last 6 months and will continue to do so until justice is served. Our strive to right the wrongs of our battered government in itself is our revolution - as eSA has unfortunately established its neutrality towards maladministration.

We may want to defy reality, but it has to be seen. We are with our backs against the wall. However, the choice is ours to inspire acts towards freedom, or self-destruction.

We therefore invite each and every patriot of eSA to join us in our pursuit, to turn the tables and to rebuild our country as we have successfully done in the past.

Thank You
SAGP Spokesperson