Giving school and teaching me?

Day 1,434, 12:01 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

I took to the streets, so to say… looking for teachers in eSA who would have some wisdom, on the life as a newbie in this big but small world. Experience is the best lesson learnt but why should newbie’s go through things if they can experience them through their peers.

Enter a teacher who is ready to help – Shiloh DeGreat(thanks by the way 🙂 )

I wanted to ask people who not only have shelves of trophies but are actively involved in the game bringing their experiences forward to help others… We all need help…

So here are some of the questions I asked.

1. Where do you think eSA could effectively use newbie’s?

2. As a newbie, how should we fight for eSA?

3. Any advice on how to use the forums?

4. What has kept you coming back all the time?

And here are some of his answers (listen close new players full of great things to do 🙂 )

1. “Everywhere. ESAAF/another South African-based MU (military unit) and Congress I'd rate as the most ideal places. eSA needs way more activity in every area”

(Explaine😛 Get involved everywhere join a military unit, ask leader of unit how to be in the unit really…Before congress you could become an intern like me 🙂. You are needed in eSA.)

2. “Not sure what you're asking. Do you mean politically or martially?

If politically, fight for what you believe is in the best interest for eSA. What that is, however, is subjective. Some people find this using a utilitarian model, others like to use Occam's Razor. Just don't go crazy. Passion is fine, but sometimes you go from being "He feels strongly about this" to "He needs to go to the loony house". (Well said)

Martially, fight for those who will be the most likely to return the favour someday. Every country in this game is self-motivated. There will be plenty of people who will manipulate good will just to achieve their own gains. So choose carefully in who you befriend. Brazil would be much more likely to help us out than, say, China. This doesn't mean China is evil, it just means we're better friends with Brazil or that Brazil is closer to us than China is.”

(Explaine😛 Politically fight for what you believe, have passion don’t be fickle. Be REAL not over the top crazy. Be you… (Unless you are really crazy then be like Oprah 🙂 )

3. “‘Unread Posts’. Really all you need.”

(Explaine😛 Use the forum just roam from post to post, very interesting.)

4. “This game has made me a better writer, challenged my way of thinking, given me a plethora of political opponents to argue and debate with...”

(Explaine😛 as you go through the game something changes you from a two click person [eat, work and fight] to a person who becomes involved in the very core of this great game)

Thank you Shiloh for your opinions, I have learnt a lot from this conversation with you.

So to the new players hopefully reading this article. I hope you will be able to take certain things away with you. Remember this eNation needs you. Be involved right from the beginning even if it is just saying hello to random people. Play with your heart. Ask questions no one has ever laughed at me (to my face, I’m armed).

Check out my previous article on voting as we head off to vote againOnly congress this time.

Thanks Ricky

Oh yes remember vote for me for congress in Free State – ask if you don’t know how to vote.

I really like Naartjies