From the Office of the Vice President

Day 760, 20:06 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

From the Office of the Vice President

An Historic Moment

This evening the US launched a full-scale assault on the Iranian-held Chinese province of Liaoning. I was fortunate to witness the collection of 265 members of the eUS military in an IRC channel to take part in the attack. Make no mistake - the US is here to support its ally China and to assist it with the liberation of its long-occupied high resource regions. This is a momentous occasion; much planning and forethought was conducted to bring us to today. I would like to personally thank President Jewitt, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gaius Julius as well as countless others in the JCS and elsewhere for their hard work and dedication to taking the fight to our enemy.

Ignore Propaganda and Naysayers

Over the next few days and weeks you will undoubtedly be reading articles in the US media that will claim that the US is in Asia for occupation of these territories. Make no mistake - as Vice President of the eUS I would never support the forced occupation of non-hostile territory. China is our ALLY. India is our ALLY. We will not be occupying their territory against their wishes. Our immediate goal is to deny PHOENIX members access to the high resources in Asia, return these territories to their rightful owners and guarantee their security for the long-term. This is what we are working towards.

Be Sure of Our Mission

As Americans we can stand proud collectively in the knowledge that we are on the side of RIGHTEOUSNESS in this war. We stand collectively in opposition to tyranny and unjustly imposed will upon less powerful nations. We WILL make Hungary, Russia, Indonesia and Iran pay for their historical arrogance. We WILL bring justice to the long oppressed in Asia. We WILL PREVAIL. We MUST PREVAIL.

E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.

Together we have strength beyond measure. Do your part. Follow DoD orders. Fight with weapons. Maintain your wellness. SUPPORT THE CAUSE.