Food While in the Foxhole

Day 1,807, 16:53 Published in USA USA by BritSeelowe

Recently, while in my foxhole, I received the following letter attached to the leg of a pigeon:

Dear BritSee,

You won't have my help today to complete Daily Orders. My little minions are testing under size for age group. My Sargent is demanding food that does not come wrapped in paper. Whatever shall I do?

Signe😛 Sad Sally

Dear Sally,

It's difficult to feed the little monsters when they are too small to navigate MREs! Never fear! So the Cheerio rations have run their course. Find your Crock-pot, Clay-Pot Cooker and here you go:

You need a skinned pigeon thighs as it is easier than plucking them. (You can use chicken, if you have made a run to the store.) Also, you need an orange, some butternut squash, cloves of garlic, an onion, some small potatoes, a bit of chicken broth, thyme, salt, and pepper. A little oil is good too.

Okay, use a splash of oil. Like a tablespoon. Don't waste it - it can be used as fuel. Sweat the onions after cutting them in like eighths. Zest the orange. That means to scrape the orange color off and leave the white stuff behind. Toss the zest on the onions. Then add butternut squash, the garlic (maybe 6 cloves, peeled and whole,) the potatoes halved, top with the skinned thighs, sprinkle with salt and pepper, toss in about a cup of broth (or a bullion cube,) cover it with a few sprigs of thyme and cover with a lid.

Cook it until the potatoes are done and the pigeon is falling off the bone. If you use a slow cooker, it needs to cook for 8 to 12 hours. That means you can play eRepublik ONLINE all day. If you artistically layer these items and cover each thigh with a round of peeled orange (with all of the white removed,) it will look like you SLAVED in the kitchen all day long. Pigeon never was better. You could serve this to company. Even your company...or maybe a new congressman.

There should be a medal for working so hard. Seriously.
