Flawless Country President

Day 2,205, 16:49 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

I am once again running for County President. My plans for the country are largely unchanged from what they were before.

eMalaysia is still a region less country. Although there is the occasional liberation of a random region it is quickly overtaken by someone. This unfortunate occurrence shows us that our current course of action is ineffective and not a good long term strategy.

We need to break this cycle and start some negotiations. Our last 3 Country President has attempted to talk with the eThai government about the possibility of releasing a eMalaysian region.

However none of these negotiations ever really went anywhere. They all boiled down eThailand wanting payment for the return of an eMalaysian region.

While it has been the government's policy to not pay eThailand for the return of a region to eMalaysia I would like to change that.

I know that many are opposed to paying eThailand anything because of tension and stuff but it is the only real way forward right now.

Day 1 or 2 or something after being elected, if that happens, I will attempt to open diplomatic discussions with eThailand over the return of a region to eMalaysia.

Hopefully if those talks work out then we can finally have a congress, lower taxes, and champion small business.

Also I know that December is just in general a super slow month because of family stuff but I want to still advocate activity in eMalaysia. I want get our ministries posting more regularly, maybe have a media contest, and just put random pictures all over the place. Through doing all of this we can help eMalaysia use the computer better.

clanky4 for Country President of eMalaysia