Day 339, 23:23 Published in USA USA by Kyle321n


A week ago I announced that the Nationalist Party was coming back. Old party members who are not in the country and old players commented on how awesome it is that it's coming back. The one thing the Old Nationalist Party didn't have was a stable forum that had good resources for new players and a reason to visit everyday. It was mainly a forum for the party's leadership to talk about party business, and when we struggled to bring new members to the forum and IRC, we struggled to bring in new leadership and the party grew stagnant and died. Today I am announcing that the Nationalist Party's forums are open for business!

The first step I am currently working on is new player guides, which will be available for everyone who joins the forums to see. There will be basic guides for daily living, there will be advanced guides for how fighting and military units work, and there will be extreme guides on business and politics in the United States. This will be a long term project of mine, and I would love to have some help from anyone and everyone.

My second step is to recruit. New players, old players, middle aged players. If you aren't in a party, and you're already reading this, you'll be receiving a PM from me directing you to this article, sorry. If you got a PM directing you to this and the previous article, thanks for reading the message and clicking the links!! If you are in a party and are interested about joining the Nationalist Party, you will not be receiving a PM from me. Poaching, PMing members of other parties, and the like isn't in my plans. You should PM me if you are currently in a party and want to talk about the NP. And if you are too young to join the party, you can still join our party's forums and talk about how great we are.

Oooh, ladies? Yes ladies can definitely join the NP

Finally, I want to get some Nationalist Party awareness out there. Back in the day there was a split in what some people called the party. Some people called us "the NP" and others called "the Nats". We are not "the Nats". Period. We are "the NP" if you are going to shorten our name. Nats sounds like Gnats, and we are not pesky, annoying or flying insects. We are Nationalists, and NP is the short hand for the Nationalist Party. I'll be at the forums answering questions.

So that's it. Join our forums. Join our party. And keep on trucking.

Both of those images are clickable. Click them, they are great links.

Do you want to go back and listen to old FRTW episodes? I do. Click here to do it. If you wane me to bring it back I might. But who knows or cares that's not what this article is about.


At my peak I had 1563 subscribers including Pheno Sony, thanks eRep.

RIP Tiacha ;_;