First Monthly Congressional Citizen’s Award Ceremony

Day 1,223, 00:52 Published in USA USA by eUSA Congress

Opening Music
Welcome to the eUSA First Monthly Congressional Citizen’s Award Ceremony

Tonight’s Ceremony is sponsored by the 39th Congress Citizens Award Committee; John Largo, Athanaric, Syrup, Malco Reynol and Animis, and hosted by our Speaker of the House; Cerb


This evening we honor 5 Award Winners and 9 Runners Up. It wasn’t easy to choose from an extraordinary pool of 41 nominees.

Before we begin, let’s have a round of applause for all the nominees Applause

Thanks to the Generosity of our Donors; Glove, Speedcat McNasty, Pfeiffer, jerseygirl , John Largo and Animis, we have some really great prizes for our Award Winners and Runners Up.

Award Winners will each get a Custom made Signature Badge to use of forums and anywhere else you choose. In addition, Award Winners will each receive 5 Gold!

Runners Up will receive a new fun battle toy - The eUSA Special Sixpack, made of 6 Q5 Tanks!


Now, Presenting Our Award Winners and Runners Up:

In the Category of New and Young eAmericans we all need to get to know

The Award goes to: Andrei Albu

In his nomination he was referred to as “He is the best romanian in the USA”

Runner Up: TMG SYK0T1C X

Congratulations all of you New and Young eAmericans we all need to get to know!

In the Category of Charity

The Award goes to: CRoy

In his nominations Croy was credited with "When the market crashed and people stopped employing, CRoy offered up food and weapons for posts to his article

Runners Up: Vanek26 and Speedcat McNasty

Congratulations to all you generous folks, without you we just wouldn’t be eAmerica!

In the Category of Education, the Award will be forever known as the The Athanaric Memorial Award for Education & Media

The Award goes to: Teucer

Teucer’s primary Nominator cited “His continuing series on the economy is a wealth of information.”

Runners Up: Syrup, Blank Keating and Jasper Signa

Congratulations to all you hard working writers and educators, we would not have a game without your continued efforts!

In the Category of Fun, or THE Most Entertainment one can get out a bunch of Pixels

The Award goes to: Claire Littleton

Claire’s many fans told us things like this: “She has done so much for our country and is pretty great at bringing people together.”, “ She is long overdue for this.”, “She's crazy, and crazy is always entertaining.”, and “She's nutz. Made me laugh once.” We all know, she’s eAmerica’s sweetheart!

Runners Up: Its Jose and Jason Welsh

Congratulations to all you nutty Entertainer’s, we love to hate ya, but it’s a good hate, the LOVE kind! You remind us that we are here to have fun.

In the Category of Awesome Citizen of the Month

The Award goes to: Soren Nelson

At first, we had a tough time with this because our Awesome Citizen has a high ranking job and we wondered, was he just doing his Job? However, comments like this one “Soren gave selflessly on the Congressional Elections, coordinating efforts to stop iNCi from taking control of congress. Soren, alongside many others, made sure America didn't fall into their hands. He saved America.” And “He kicked inci butt.” made us realize he went beyond the ordinary call of duty and needed to be recognized for his efforts.

Runners Up: Necros Xiaoban

Congratulations to all you of you awesome eAmericans, you show up how great we can be!

Let’s have a final Round of Applause for all our Winners.

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