Filigree Pavements - Interview with Mr. BOT [Eng/Bos]

Day 1,563, 03:36 Published in USA Bosnia and Herzegovina by ClioPilot

The economic reports on the consequences of the crisis are coming in from all over eWorld. The economic crisis is choking the eWorld's businessmen, which leads to mass eSuicide, rapidly growing multi birthrate and collective mass hysteria. Food and WEP are sold very cheaply at markets, the black market has become an oasis for various speculators.
The reason for this entire mess and economic crisis is the crazy price drop
caused by the disappearance of an ePerson .... Mr. BOT!

Mr. BOT is the International moderator of the market set by eGod.
He suddenly disappeared a few days ago without a trace. eUSA have called for assistance from all Military Units in eAmerica,to find Mr. BOT and to return him to the work place. eBrasil and eSerbia have not publicly announced whether they have taken some steps in finding the person missing, but it was unofficially heard they are searching for him. Smaller countries like eBosnia have reported to give a reward of 1000 g and 300 000 BAM's to the one who finds Mr. BOT and returns him to his working place.

eGod has not spoken on this issue, but it is assumed that he himself does not know where the BOT's location is.

With the assistance from an Old Lady that works out of a whorehouse in Romania, we were able to get Mr. Bots's number. Mr. Bot is a regular customer in the XY whorehouse and they have his secret private number.

Below, we bring you a brief conversation with him.

Editor: Mr. BOT thank you for this interview. we know that you are currently the most wanted person in the eWorld. So tell us where you are and why have you suddenly disappeared and thrown the eWorld in an economic crisis?
Mr. BOT: I'm far away .... I'm tired people .... I want to relax, get drunk like a man .... my life is destroyed.

Editor: So you have some personal problems?
Mr. BOT: Well I have, my wife left me, she went with a postman .... and my son became a fan of Justin Bieber

Editor: Please accept my condolences, losing a son is a really hard thing. Do you plan to return soon?
Mr. BOT: I don't know, I'm in total confusion .... Maybe it's time to go do something else. It's hard to be a BOT,
and it's even harder when so many people are relying on you, and because of me they convinced that their companies work good. I think i will begin something new like starring in the sky.

Now I have to finish this conversation, my son just turned on the Video of that idiot on YouTube........tutututututu

As you can see from this brief discussion, Mr. BOT does not give any indication of where he is located or when he will return . Only eGod can save us now!


Izvjestaji o posljedicama ekonmske krize pristizu iz svih krajeva eSvijeta. Ekonomska kriza vec danima gusi biznismene sirom eSvijeta, sto dovodi do masovnih eSamoubistava, rapidno rastuceg multi nataliteta kao i kolektivne građanske histerije. Food i wep se prodaju u bescjenje na marketima, crno trziste postala je oaza za raznorazne špekulante.
Razlog citavoj ovoj zbrci i ekonomskoj krizi je jurisajuci pad cijena prouzrokovanim nestankom jedne e-osobe.... Mr. BOT-a.

Mr. BOT je međunarodni moderator marketa postavljen od strane eBoga. Nestao je iznenada prije nekoliko dana i od tada mu se gubi svaki trag. eSAD su pozvale u pomoc sve pripadnike MU u Americi da pronađi Mr. BOT-a i da ga vrate na radno mijesto. eBrazila kao i eSrbija jos uvijek nisu javno obznanili da li su poduzeli neke korake u pronalazaenju nestalog godpodina, al nezvanicno se saznaje da pokrenuli siroku potragu za njim. Manje drzave poput eBosne su objavile da daju nagradu od 1000g i 300 000 BAM-a onome ko pronađe Mr. BOT-a i vrati ga na njegovo radno mijesto.
eBog se jos nije izjasnio po ovom pitanju, al se predpostavlja da ni on sam ne zna gdje je BOT nestao!

Nasa redakcija uz pomoc babe sa recepcije jednog bordela u Rumuniji smo dosli do telefonskog broja Mr. BOT-a. On je u XY bordelu redovna musterija i imaju njegov tajni telefonski broj. Dalje u tekstu vam donosimo kratki razgovor s njim.

Redakcija: Mr. BOT hvala vam na ovom razgovoru, znamo da ste trenutno najtrazenija osoba na svijetu, reci te nam gdje ste vi i zasto ste iznenadno otisli i gurnuli eSvijet u ekonomsku krizu?
Mr. BOT: Daleko....Ljudi umoran sam vise.... hocu se odmorit, napit ko covjek.... a i zivot me pravo sj*bo

Redakcija: znaci imate nekih privatnih problema?
Mr. BOT: Ma imam, zena me napustila, otisla sa nekim postarom.... sin je postao fan Justina Bibera...

Redakcija: Primite moje saucesce, gubitak sina je zaista teska stvar, da li se planirate uskoro vratit?
Mr. BOT: Ne znam, u totalnoj sam mentalnoj zbrci.... mozda je vrijeme da pocnem se bavit necim drugim. Naporno je biti bot, naporno je kad toliko ljudi racuna na tebe i radi tebe toliko ljudi je ubijeđeno da ima dobro razvijene firme.... mislim da cu se pocet bavit necim novim, mozda zurenjem u nebo. Sad moram zavrsit ovaj razgovor, sin je upravo pustio spot onog idiota na Tube.......tutututututu

Kao sto vidite iz ovog kratkog razgovora Mr. BOT ne daje ni kakve naznake gdje se nalazi ni ti kad ce se vratit. Nek nam je eBog na pomoci!