Fight for Greece, Fight for Freedom! [Spain]

Day 627, 12:45 Published in Spain Greece by CybeRNerO

Fellow Allies, or should i call it Brothers!

As you may know by now, eGreece is being sieged by the forces of eTurkey.
All Greek citizens are fighting to reppel the invaders, and keep our Freedom.
I am writing this article to notify you about the current situation, and ask for your valuable help.

We, Greeks, have fought in the battlefield, arm to arm, next to you!
We had the honor to help you as much as you did, back in the days of the Greek Revolution!

Right now the sovereignity of the Free Greek Regions, is in doubt, by the imperialist Turkish Leadership, that despite the rational and pacifist voices of almost half their Citizens, they have declared war to us.
We did not make any threatening move against them or their sovereignity.
We only wanted our lands back.As simple as that.
So now we are being sieged.You may ask why.
The answer is quite profound.It's called greediness.It's the same thing that have made our world suffer from wars,poverty,hunger,injustice!
They target our rich resources.Mostly High Iron in Central Greece!
We never embargo'ed those resources, we never stopped them from using them!
But they want it all theirs.That's monopoly.That's Imperialistic.
It's like bad-raised kids, bullying in the schoollyard!

So now we ask your help.We ask you to send the world a message.
A message of Justice.A message of Determination.A message of Solidarity to our cause!
Fight with us.Help us remain FREE, on our struggle.

Spanish Brothers, Fight in our Battlefields against out oppressors.

UPDATE: Turkey has lost the initiative in this War, thanks to your aid!