eUK Library - Instant Help & Support!

Day 1,972, 03:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Vault Guy

Hello Fellow Citizens!

The eUK Library would like to announce its new Instant Help & Support Service!

This service allows anyone to connect to our chat client to ask any questions or ask for support in eRepublik. The questions you ask must be relevant to eRepublik.

All conversations are one to one meaning you get your questions answered without others interrupting.

Of course this service will not be able to be provided to you 24/7 but we hope to get as many people involved such as congress members and volunteers to get the service as close to.

As the questions asked can be about anything to do with eRepublik, we will allow citizens from other countries to join and ask general eRepublik questions, although all questions must be in English.

You must understand we will not be able to answer every question you ask but we will answer all questions to the best of our ability.

From this service we will add all frequently asked questions to a page on the eUK Library website.

To connect simply click the link here:

Or click this button on the eUK Library:

If you would like to get involved with the eUK Library Instant Help & Support then message me (VaultGuy) or Jimbobfrey via PM on eRepublik.

Have A Great Day,

Vault Guy.

Note: By support we do not mean account support, reporting players etc etc. We mean helping you learn your way around the game, finding a certain page, showing you how to do something in the game.


eUK Library -

eUK Library Article -


So why did we create this?

We thought this would just be easier and quicker for eRepublik players to just ask someone a question they may have, rather than searching through many links and pages which can be time consuming and well rather boring. Instead you can pop-in, talk to one of us and your questions should be answered in no time.

Why not use the IRC?

We decided to not use the IRC as the Software we are using allows us to have one to one conversations with those that need help. It also provides us with a few more additional features such as creating default answers and banning those that abuse the service.

Where do babies come from?

Giant ducks and hairy pussy-cats.

Who is running this service?

The same people who are running the library plus the helpers answering your questions.

Can I ask you a question about this service?

Yes, post it below or PM me.