eShqiperia-Rritje marramendese / eAlbania-Enoromous growth

Day 1,679, 16:48 Published in Albania Albania by DonCurtis

eShqiperia eshte nje nder shtetet me ritjen me te madhe te popullsise ne eRepublik!
eShqiperia dihet qe eshte nje shtet shume I ri ne eRepublike, por per nje kohe te shkurter ka arritur te rradhitet si shteti I 22 per nga numri I popullsise. Sa shume ritet numri I popullsise se eShqiperise dhe ku gjendet eShqiperia ne krahasim me shtetet tjera? Vazhdoni te lexoni sepse pergjigja eshte me poshte!
Ritja e popullsise se eShqiperise eshte diku afersisht 380 ne dite. A eshte kjo mjaftueshem? Ja lista e 5 shteteve me rritjen me te larte te popullsise:
1. Kili - Afersisht 840 banore te rinj cdo dite
2. Argjentina – Afersisht 620 banore te rinj cdo dite
3. Shqiperia – Afersisht 380 banore te rinj cdo dite
4. Spanja – Afersisht 290 banore te rinj cdo dite
5. Romania – Afersisht 260 banore te rinj cdo dite
Sic mund ta shihni ne liste, eShqiperia eshte e treat me rradhe, gje qe eshte e mrrekullueshme per shtetin tone. Pritet qe numri i tanishem i popullsise te dyfishohet ne me pak se nje vit.

Informacioni bazohet ne rritjen e popullsise se shteteve te eRepublik ne 3 ditet e fundit!

Don Kurtishi, Korrieri!

eAlbania is one of the countries with the fastest growing population in eRepublik!
We all know that eAlbania is a new country in eRepublik, but for a short time, it managed to become the 22nd place based on population number. How much is the eAlbanian’s population growing and where is eAlbania comparing to other countries? Continue reading because you will find the answer below.
eAlbanian’s population grows for about 380 every day. Is this enough? Check out the Top5 fastest growing population countries:
1. Chile – Approximately 840 new citizens everyday
2. Argentina – Approximately 620 new citizens everyday
3. Albania – Approximately 380 new citizens everyday
4. Spain – About 290 new citizens everyday
5. Romania – About 260 new citizens everyday.
As you can see in the list, eAlbania is third, which is an incredible thing for our country. It is expected that the current population number will be doubled in less than a year.

Information is based in the eRepublik countries population growth in the last 3 days!

-Don Kurtishi, The Courier!