eSA Mortal Kombat Tournament 1st Round Results

Day 1,665, 01:19 Published in South Africa South Africa by Badger06
eSA Mortal Kombat Tournament 1st Round Results

How It works:

1.Players were randomly picked out of a hat and teamed up against each other.
2.Results were to be detemined by dice rolls(20 sided) as this seemed to be the fairest, players with 5 more levels than their opponent earned a reroll.
3. Re-rolls were taken only when the other players dice was higher than the losing players but still less than 10.
4.The first player to win 5 dice rolls won the Fight.
5.Scores are next to players names in () and rerolls used are represnted by a *

Here is how it turned out.

Grimstone(4*😉 vs Spottedfrog(5)

Location: Matrix Training Room
Result: Spottedfrog outwits his superior opponent and comes up top, later he was seen to be feasting on Grimstones legs.

K9 Jazpurr(3) vs ArkAjda(5)

Location: Colluseum
Result: ArkAyda wins by skewering the little monkey braaing him and having barking monkey pregos.

Bic deWille(5) vs Enriche2Ribiero(1)

Location: Mines or Moria Bridge
Result: Bic deWille smites E2R into lil more than dust.

Crumoet(5😉 vs Al Kazar(2)

Location: Hello Kitty, eRepublik
Result: Crumoet smashes Al Kazar into another dimension

Dirty Scarlett Silverbeard(3) vs Ari Lumumba(5)

Location: Black Pearl Ship
Result: Ari Lumumba takes command and makes the pirate walk the plank.

Squall90(5) vs Had3z(3)

Location: UFC Ocatgon
Result: Squall90 pummels Had3z back down below.

Lazer Fazer(5) vs Chucker71(4)

Location: Sands from the Mummy
Result: LAzer Fazer blasts Chucker71 six ways from Sunday.

Luna Tic Moonfang(4) vs Hamilton Moore(5*😉

Location: Fight Club
Result: No Amount of Miaowing could save Luna as Hamilton throttled her to a rag doll.

Vanessa1309(3) vs Miyagiyoda(5😉

Location: Slayer Rock Concert
Result: Miyagiyoda suffocates Vanessa with his amazing spandex.

MasterZA(2) vs Vroteier9(5)

Location: Avatar Forrest
Result: Vroteier tickles MasterZa to death with his mustache.

Nick Jones(5) vs MulderPF(4)

Location: Troy battlegrounds
Result: Nick Jones brought a knife to a gunfight and won, slicing the e😜rez up into fine cubes.

NRL(5😉 vs Tariq TNT(3)

Location: Transformer 4 the battle for awesomeness.
Result: NRL laid down a tasty jam as he sound blasted Tariq, causing his eyes to explode, he then took upon beating TNT to death with his guitar.

Ramet3(3) vs Rrevan(5)

Location: Graveyard
Result: Rrevan motorboats Ramet3 with her ample cleavage into a premature heart attack.

Sizzla(5) vs Rico Suave(2)

Location: Hogwarts Corridor
Result: In an Epic fist fight Sizzla comes out on top of his ape compatriot.

Seisan(1) vs Greyhunter(5)

Location: Lava Scene Revenge of the Sith
Result: Greyhunter slices up seisan ans leaves him to burn.

Ex Banned'It(3) vs Steven Bosch(5)

Location: Chamber of Secrets
Results: Steven Bosch miaows Ex Banned'It to death, grinds him up and uses him for cat litter.

Next round will be drawn soon and the results to be posted soon.

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