eSA Mortal Kombat Last 16

Day 1,671, 12:09 Published in South Africa South Africa by Badger06
eSA Mortal Kombat Last 16

ArkAjda(5) vs Ari Lumumba(4)

Location: Shark Pit
Result: With a newly sponsored shield after cracking his last on K9's banhammer, ArkAjda wasted no time in beating his opponent down before feeding him to the shark.

Bic deWille (5) vs Greyhunter (2)

Location: Soccer City
Result:With a new record of just 3 seconds Bic deWille ended this one quickly, he bent down and flicked Greyhunter with such force that the little guy pood himself to death, the grass at soccer city has never looked so green before.

Crumoet (5😉 vs Miyagiyoda (3)

Location: The Moon
Result After an epic battle of 3 hours this one ended when Crumoet stole Miyagis sword and used it to impale him on the wrong end.

Vroteier9(1) vs Hamilton Moore (5😉

Location: The White House, Independence Day
Result: In this epic scratch fest,it ends when Hamilton grabs hold of Vroteier9's tail and rips his heart out. Hamilton was later seen to be wearing Vroteirs mustache as a scarf.

NRL (5*😉 vs Nick Jones(4)

Result: NRL ends this one gruesomely using his guitar strings around Nick Jones's throat, he repeatedly smashes his opponents face into a pulp against the nearest pyramid.

Sizzla (4) vs Rrevan (5)

Location: X-Men Universe
Result: Rrevan leads Sizzla into a false sense of security before crushing his head between her thighs.

Squall90 (4) vs Spotted frog (5)

Location: Gotham City
Result: Spottedfrog manages to slip his opponents grips before shooting out his tongue and ripping his opponents manhood from him.

Lazerfazer (5) vs Steven Bosch (4)

Location: Zombie Horde
Result: Steven Bosch seemed to have this one until a misjudged ninja flip landed him amongst the eager crowd, who tore him limb from limb all that was left was his bloodstained collar and bell.

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