eSA Government Infrastructure

Day 1,049, 02:30 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Education

A lot of new players and even some of the more experienced players don’t know or just don’t care about the different Ministries and Departments within eSA. This article should get you up to date on what is expected of each Ministry and their Ministers and Directors. Most of the information was put together by asking the President, VP and each of the cabinet members of September 2010.

Ministry - A government organization responsible for a specific government sector.
Department - A section of a Ministry
Minister - The head of a Ministry
Deputy Minister - Serves as an Advisor/Helper to the Minister
Director - Head of a Ministry Department

Each country has different ministries and departments according to their needs and government structure. These ministries do not form part of eRepublik, but as an external organizational structure formed by the government of each eCountry. eSA currently has 7 ministries. In almost all cases, the deputy minister assists the minister of the respective ministry, so the roles of deputy ministers are more or less the same as the minister.

=== 2.1 Presidential Staff ===
The presidential staff consist of the president, his vice president and any other staff appointed to closely work with the president. They are responsible of leading the country.

Current: Grimstone
As you would expect a president’s role is to lead his country, whether to greener pastures to conquer other regions or to free his people from oppression. Other roles the president plays is to inspire, guide and nurture his people and most of all to unify the nation. An important fact that people often forget is that the president is there to listen to ideas, advice and complaints from the people who have elected him/her.

Currently we have no set structure for duties for the president as each president has different ideas, visions and ways of implementing them. These are some of the duties which are considered the norm:
-Selection of Cabinet Members
-Communication with world leaders
-Discussions with VP
-Delegating work that needs to be done by relevant departments
-Communication and meetings with Allies and EDEN and BROLLIANCE
-Communication with Allies combined ATO (Anti-Take over Unit)
-Weekly cabinet meetings (Follow ups on progress in each Ministry)
-Communication regarding the Country’s state of security (Talk with MoS at least once a day)
-Making executive decisions
-Making proposals which congress cannot make. (If not impeached)
-Checking on the country’s financial state
-Follow world news
-Study our enemies, plan and strategise with cabinet members and Chief of Staff
-Responding to personal mails
-Responding to forum posts and pm’s

There are times the president is forced to make tough decisions. A president is there to represent his people and act in the best interests of his country and his people.

--Vice President
Current: Fhaemita Malodorous
The work of the vice president is:
-Helping the president in any way possible in all the functions, duties and keeping track of what the cabinet does
-Reporting to the president about things happening
-Replacing him when necessary

--Chief Minister of State
Current: SamGibz
The role is quite simple:
-Keep up to date with what everyone is doing
-Help and give specific tasks to Ministries that will benefit eSA
-Help decide what eSA are doing next with the President, Vice President and Cabinet
-Make contact with other countries and keep the country safe
-Make sure things are kept flowing

--Executive Officer of the President
Current: SamGibz
Executive Officer to the President, a role SamGibz "created" basically entails the following:
-Help advise our President
-Can also request things for the President and do other work
=== 2.2 Ministry of Defense ===
The ministry of defense is given the task to operate and coordinate military operations on behalf of the South African government.

--Minister of Defense
Current: CyberWitch
The Minister of defence is responsible for our country’s defences. Some of the roles are:
-Keep constant contact with our allied nations and Intel agents as to any threats we may be facing
-Negotiate MPP’s (Military Protection Pacts) with our allied countries
-Ensure the nations safety in all matters. Military as well as politically.
-Arrange ATO efforts if needed etc.

--Deputy Minister of Defense
Current: Enbaros

=== 2.3 Ministry of Security ===
Deal with national security, including but not limited to checking for suspected PTOers and multiple accounts.

--Minister of Security
Current: Chucker71
The Minister of Security’s roles include:
-Check all new citizens for multiple accounts and suspected PTOer plants
-Monitor the existing population in eSA and occupied eSA regions, including foreigners
-Co-ordinate elections during any PTO or PTO threat, including liaison with military agencies
-Brief the President and Cabinet on security matters
-Liaise with security chiefs in allied countries

--Deputy Minister of Security
Current: mulderpf

=== 2.4 Ministry of Finance ===
The Ministry of Finance is responsible for dealing with economic affairs relating to eSA, including but not limited to tax income, foreign trade, and budget compilation.

--Minister of Finance
Current: Lazer Fazer
Among the duties allocated to the Minister of Finance are:
-Tracking and predicting income
-Allocating funds to each ministry and government division
-Distributing emergency funds during wars or other extraordinary situations
-Reporting on economic stability to the President

--Deputy Minister of Finance
Current: Nick Jones

--Director of Government Companies
Current: Ari Lumumba
Director of government companies is pretty self explanatory:
-This person is responsible for the managing of all our government owned companies
-We have various companies based locally and internationally
-We use these companies to generate profit as well as surplus supplies if needed

2.4.1 Department of Trade
Responsible for monitoring the market, and then releasing a report on the observed data.

--Director of Trade
Current: Ari Lumumba
The director of trade monitors job conditions.
-Monitors wage and prices within the eSA job market
-Once all the data has been compiled, releases an article in game and in the ministry of finance on forum under the Dept of Trade thread with a report
-Citizens can use this data to make informed business decisions

=== 2.5 Ministry of Foreign Affairs ===
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for establishing and maintaining relations with all the other nations in the eWorld.

--Minister of Foreign Affairs
Current: Seisan
The minister of foreign affairs’ most important tasks is:
-To form relationships with other eCountries
-To also request help from other eCountries in situations like we are in at the moment

--Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Current: Evighet

--Director of Immigration
Current: Champinator
The Director of immigration is responsible for:
-International immigrants wishing to move to our country
-Work with the Ministry of Security and congress to discuss the applications
-Work on getting more people to move to our country to help build our society

=== 2.6 Ministry of Information ===
The ministry of information’s job is to inform the community and manage the flow of information from government to citizens.

--Minister of Information
Current: Bobady Zoo
The Minister of Information's job is:
-To keep the people of South Africa informed with what is going on in the country as well as what is going on in the government
-We make sure the people of South Africa know what they need to know
-Monitor the wiki page as well as the facebook page and twitter account

--Deputy Minister of Information
Current: Nick Jones
2.6.1 Department of Wiki
The department of wiki is responsible of updating information in the official eRepublik wiki.

=== 2.7 Ministry of Social Development ===
The ministry of social development deals with mentoring, educating and keeping the eSA community entertained.

--Minister of Social Development
Current: Golgavar
Duties of the Minister of Social Development:
-Keep the Ministry running by making sure the Directors in the Departments below are doing their jobs
-Helping the directors with their articles and competitions/programs/tasks
-Occasional write articles for the Departments below
-Do an all rounder check of the Ministry of Social Development Forums

--Deputy Minister of Social Development
Current: Joseph Rich

2.7.1 Department of Mentorship
This department finds and helps new eRepublik players until they can walk on their own.

--Director of Mentorship
Current: Wingfield
This directors job is:
-Investigate all new citizens to find genuine new players
-Report obvious multiple accounts
-Send a friendship request to non-suspect citizens
-Send a welcoming message to those who accept the friendship request
-Offer and allocated (if accepted) a mentor from the list on the forum
-Maintain the list of mentors on the forum and ensure that the standard messages are up to date

2.7.2 Department of Education
The department of Education’s main role is to educate the eSA citizens.

--Director of Education
Current: SuperSlax
This role has the following duties:
-Write and publish articles educating the eSA citizens about gameplay mechanics or anything relating to eRepublik

2.7.3 Department of Fun
Entertaining the eSA community and keeping their spirits up.

--Director of Fun
Current: SuperSlax
The Director of Fun’s job is:
-Try and keep eSA’s citizens entertained and motivated by organizing competitions, games and fun things to do

=== 2.8 Ministry of Internal Affairs ===
The ministry of internal affairs checks up on the other ministries and gives the president feedback on progress and problems within a ministry/department.

--Minister of Internal Affairs
Current: Micheal Dell
The Minister Of Internal Affairs job is:
-To make sure all the other Ministries are doing their jobs
-He/She has to do weekly check ups on them and write a weekly report to the president.

--Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs
Current: Lawrence S. Whittaker

=== 2.9 Other ===
Other titles not directly classified into one of the above ministries or departments. Some of them are created just for the fun and others are ones that have not been assigned by the president.

--Minister of IRC
Current: Krimpiekat
Basic duties:
-Keep IRC moderated

--Reserve Bank Governor
Current: Lazer Fazer
The Governor of the Reserve Bank's primary responsibilities are:
-Distributing allocated funds to the various ministries and government divisions
-The RBSA Governor also tracks all funds going into and coming out of the RBSA
-Maintains the ZAR/Gold exchange rate at a predetermined level

--Chief of Staff
Current: Tronyx
The Chief of Staff’s duties are:
-To run the army
-Assign branch Commanding Officers
-Make sure the CO’s do their duties
-Arrange funding for the army by speaking with the Minister of Finance
-Advise elected president of where to fight

Some of the positions does not require any previous knowledge or experience, so take a leap and apply for a cabinet position after an election. Start of with a position like director of fun, and move up from there as you gain experience and knowledge on a specific position.

Director of Education