eRepublick: A non zero-sum game

Day 3,812, 08:07 Published in USA USA by Alphabethis

A non zero-sum game

The theory is here :

We have witnessed too many times how being defeated in this game has
made players leave the game. Whether it's a political humiliation (
political take over, election, bashing in the media or comments), or a
military defeat (wipe, collapse, robbed medal, 'weakness'), the result
is the same: a huge rise in the unhappiness of some players that is
not matched by a huge rise in the happiness of the winners. So, some
players feel really depressed by a defeat, whilst the winners are just
mildly happy by it. This is a kind of psychological non zero game
that leads, after many iterations, to the collapse of the game,
because, the losers cannot bear it ( even if these losers were winners
some times ).

Of course, some other factors concur on the size of the population,
such as facbook ads, casual new players, returning players ( once the
wounds have been healed), but the tred is clear: collapse.

In such matter of things, it's not advisable to long term investment
in the game: for eRepublik labs, or for players. Unless the game
mechanics change and becomes more balanced.