Election Reminder!!! (READ!!)

Day 3,129, 08:37 Published in Australia Australia by aJollyOldChap

I would just like to remind people that it is the Party President election tomorrow and say a few things about it. One thing I'd like to say is that you should make sure you vote as one vote can change the result of an election completely. Another thing you might be thinking is that this election isn't that important. Well actually it is. These elections decided the person who runs your party and proposes your CP and Congressmen candidates. Another thing I would say is that you should vote as eAustralia is one of few democracies left in the New World and so you should vote now because it actually means something. Furthermore if you don't vote then you have no right to moan about how your party is run as you didn't bother to vote. So get involved and vote for someone who you think is best to run your party.

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