el1temkd for President (March 2012) [CANCELED]

Day 1,564, 01:21 Published in Belgium Belgium by El1teBE
EDIT: The candidature is canceled. Sorry guys. Maybe I will run again in August :'(

Hello eBelgium,

I know some of you will be surprised - you probably didn't expected to see me run. I don't blame you, I didn't expected either. This was maybe the toughest decision I made since the first day of my eRepublik experience. The thing that made me change my mind was the support from my party, Res Belgica. I'm 3 and a half months with you, in eBelgium, and since then I think I showed you that you can always believe in me, as I always worked and will continue to work only for eBelgian good. 3 times Congress Member since then (with no rogue proposals made, and no rejected from Immigration citizenship requests accepted), and current Minister of Foreign Affairs of eBelgium (managed to maintain our good relationship with our neighbors, and to renew our 3 MPPs from last month - Hungary, UK and USA. But I think my greatest accomplishment was signing an MPP with China - the thing you wanted to be done (although I cannot say that I did all of this on my own - I had a lot of help, especially from our Country President, Mr. Nohjis, and then from ThomasRed and Fhaemita Malodorous - in the signing the MPP with USA. I would like to once more - thank them all)).

I know that being a Country President is not the same of being Congress Member or MoFA, but you've seen that I am a hard worker, and I am convinced that I will be successful on that position. For sure I will need a lot of help, that's why I will make large Government cabinet - if any of you thinks that he/she has ideas of making eBelgium stronger and more united, anyone who thinks that is good enough to be part of that Government, don't hesitate to contact me any time!

You can also check out who am I in the real life in here!

I would like also to say few words of what will be done in eBelgium if I'll be elected for CP:

The Ministry of Home Affairs worked well in the previous 3 months, (especially the MoFUN part 😛), making significant progress in calming the negative energy gathered in eBelgium. That's why no drastic changes will be applied in that area. The Immigration part will be changed thou, as I have few ideas of making that area work better, with few rules that may be applied (for sure, this will be put first on debate in the Congress). You all know that eBelgium like any other small nation is vulnerable to PTO attempts. For that exact reason Immigration will continue to be closely monitored. The Education part will continue of informing new citizens about the game mechanics and the eBelgian Forums as well - we had "small" Baby Boom in the previous month, and I am happy that there are lots of new citizens - more happy because I can see that some of them are very active in the Forums, and few made their first steps into political career. We will encourage all of them to be included into politics - one way or another, as eBelgium needs fresh blood. The National Citizens solidarity programs will continue to work, because they are essential for the development of our citizens. The MoFUN area will continue with it's excellent work, as well - new games will be provided to you, and many awards will be given again!

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs made significant progress into keeping our stance of neutrality in the previous month, especially with making stronger our relationship with TEDEN counties - signing 2 major MPPs with China (EDEN) and USA (TERRA). Also, relationships with our neighbors have been strengthen. In the next month the work will be directed the same way, with only one goal - proving to everybody that we are neutral country. Once again four MPPs will be signed - 2 with ONE, 2 with TEDEN countries (I will be happy if we manage to renew our current MPPs). But, for sure, the next Minister of Foreign Affairs will have a lot of diplomacy to work on especially in those countries who seem to consider us as an enemy. We will try also to make our Ambassador program work the way it worked a long time ago - first steps into that area were done, but a lot of work is still needed.

The Ministry of Finances will continue the great work that GoopyPants and tecuvo have done. As I already said, the citizen programs, such as Citizen packs and Land and storage subsidies will continue to work, but there will be a room for new program(s) that need to be discussed first - I have ideas of making program(s) to help young players upgrade their Home centers, and complete the in-game missions, as well of helping all eBelgian Citizens to upgrade their Training centers. This will require the financial expertise of a good Minister of Finance to build in the necessary checks and balances.

I think that in this area (Ministry of Defence) a lot of work is needed. We proved that our neutrality keeps us away from wars, but if you need that, we can arrange training war with one of our neighbors. A lot of work in the national army structure is needed - while Belgian Training Academy worked great in the past months, providing free supplies for the new players, and also Belgian Army Forces moved into the same direction, I think that there is no reason to believe that BAF is national army anymore. We have few ideas that can make progress in that area - making (from BAF, or other Military unit) a National Army which we can be all proud of. There is lack of missions abroad, also. That's why we must work together, as a team, especially MoD and MoFA, that together can find supplies abroad from the eBelgian friends that need our help, and IRC civilian Raids will be organized more often that way.

The team will be announced in the next article. Till then, I encourage you all to message me if you want to be part of our Government so we can accomplish these goals together. If any of you have ideas of making eBelgium stronger and better, share them with us!!!

And of course - if you think that this program is good enough (don't grade my English, I know I will have "F" on that 😛 ), on March 5th, vote on:

el1temkd for President