Economy - Today

Day 1,319, 13:29 Published in Romania Romania by kiriashoo
Economy Today

How you all noticed the eRepublik updates are showing up when you think less about them and in the same time the gold price is becoming astronomical (ten times bigger than the day I started).

Now here are 2 ideas for how to spend your gold to make profits.

First one is about the storage:
Some of you might now we have 2 types of storage:

Current Market rules for RON:

Current Market rules for US😨

From these pictures we can understand that it's cheaper to buy Q1 storage instead of the Q2.
1 Normal Storage of 1000 = 750 RON
1 Large Storage of 9000 = 35 Gold

We have 1 Gold = 680 RON meaning that Q1 = 1.1 Gold and provides 1000 space.
1 Land = 1000 RON ~ 1.47 Gold
1 Normal Storage + 1 land = 1750 RON ~ 2.58 Gold (for 1000 Storage space)
1 Large Storage + 1 land ~ 36.47 Gold (for 9000 Storage Space).

23.22 G with only Q1 (Normal Storage)
36.47 G with only Q2 (Large Storage)
13.25 Gold profit (or at least, not consumed).

The second one involves Raw Material Companies

Mostly effective for players (managers) who don't hire other people.
Before starting, I'm aware that q5 > q4 in RM but for some people this idea might work.

Q4 Food RM = Cattle Farms
Q4 Weapons RM = Saltpeter Mines
each costing 7500 of your currency.

With the prices on MMarket, obviously the best choice is building Q4 instead of Q3 (cost of 10 Gold) or Q5 (cost of 35 Gold).
Productivity for Q4 is 175 and for Q5 is 250.

Including the lands, we can say that Q4 RM = 12.7 Gold and Q5 RM = 37 Gold.
Now if we look at the default production (175/250) we can get 525 RM for 38.1 Gold meaning that for 1.1 extra Gold you can get double production. The extra 20 wellness you lose doesn't event count since the last update allows everyone to recover up to 2400 wellness a day (24h*100wellness) if they are active. So I guess you can sacrifice 20 of your 2400 wellness in order to double your production.

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