Economic Freedom freedom in your lifetime

Day 2,410, 00:58 Published in South Africa South Africa by Miyagiyoda

Our Economic Freedom Mining Initiative is still live despite the disruptions at Marikana.

Anything that allow new players to advance just a little bit fast, involves them in a community and stimulates the local economy has value.

The most effective way to become involved in the economy is to sell Weapon Raw Materials (WRM). Q7 Weapon Factories require more resources than a single manager can generate. The margins on WRM are also higher than on FRM. Raw Material production is a simple business and demand is consistently good. In other words, its the best entry-way into the economy.

For a easy comparison look at eAnalyser for a sobering look at real economic value.

Rubber vs Aluminium
While a Rubber Mine produces more (250 WRM) than and Aluminium Mine (125 WRM), you can buy 3½ Aluminium mines for every Rubber (35 G vs 10 G). Rubber mines only have value if you employ people or are worried about work taking too much energy from fights. Simply put: Rubber pants for old-farts and shiny Aluminium hats for new dudes.

Every mine you build increases your earnings. This means the next mine is gained just a little bit faster. If we pool our money we all build mines a bit faster. We all win by cooperating.

Paint by Numbers
An Aluminium Mine costs 10 Gold. This is 2,010 ZAR (assuming 201:1 average exchange rate). A single mine produces 175 WRM (125 + 40% Region Bonus) which sell at 0.05 ZAR each, or 8.75 ZAR. That means you need to sell for 230 days to afford the next one.

1 Mine = 8.75 ZAR/day = 230 days until next mine
2 Mines = 17.50 ZAR/day = 115 days until next mine
3 Mines = 26.25 ZAR/day = 77 days until next mine
4 Mines = 35.00 ZAR/day = 57 days until next mine
5 Mines = 43.75 ZAR/day = 46 days until next mine
10 Mines = 87.50 ZAR/day = 23 days until next mine
15 Mines = 131.25 ZAR/day = 15 days until next mine

This excludes any extra money you put in from working your job.

Now, a number of players pooling their money could buy their first aluminium mines faster and contribute to helping everyone get more faster too. You still pay the same, but you shave off some time from your first mines recouping so that you are not grey by the time you are a successful business mogul.

Add in any extra income like donations by our philanthropists or combat orders or inheritances and you are in business instead of scraping by real quick. Its like compound interest: starting early and contributing regularly has dramatic compounding effects.

Waar nou?
Citizens in the scheme can donate any amount; daily or weekly or whenever they feel like it. All their donations are logged. Whenever the total in the pot reaches about 2,010 ZAR (whatever the cost of an Aluminium Mine currently is) it is donated to the player with the highest total donations.

That player has 2,010 ZAR deducted from their donation total.

They will be required to continue contributing to the scheme at least until their mine is paid for. We are saving time getting mines to make money earier and not cost.

Any profits earned from investing the contributions will go towards increasing everyone's donation total. Any contributions towards the scheme will also go to increasing everyone's donation total. All donations to the scheme are split amongst all the current investors.

Can we trust you?
I am a former Country President, Minister of Finance and current commander in the eSA Armed Forces. I am not going anywhere, am well known and have a sterling reputation. The voices have mere entertainment value.

What if someone takes money and doesn't pay it back?
I'll cover it and kill a kitten to ease my pain. It is impossible for someone to steal more than 2,010 ZAR in this scheme. Should anyone do this they will be ineligible for any help from me in the future. We are a small community with many international friends -- your reputation sticks for a very long time.

I don't make much ZAR per day. Would I just be subsidising richer players?
It will only ever take a shorter time to buy a mine than it would working alone. At first the payouts will go to citizens making a bigger contribution, but once they are all indebted to the scheme they will be subsidising you. Swings and round-a-bouts.

Proof in the pudding
We have been running for 6 months now. EFMI has built 10 Aluminium Mines (Q3) and 5 Rubber Plants (Q5) for the 14 participants even with the PTO tax and land disruptions. Forced saving works.

I'm in! I want Economic Freedom in my lifetime!\
Send me a message and your first donation. Your name will be added to the list. Remember to donate regularly to get to your goal faster.

When do I get my Mine?
As soon as I see we have reached a threshold or my Gold donation limit is reset for the day.

Can I choose my Mine
Yes, you can. Right now the Q3 Aluminium Mine is the best value for money. I am personally working towards Q5 Rubber Plantations, but it just means it will take longer for me to get to a payout. To prevent the big projects clogging the payouts, the lower Quality mines are prioritises to aid young players.

This projects hopes to get players involved economically by working together to boost everyone's fortunes. The donation list is public. I also encourage philanthropic citizens to make ad hoc donations to help speed the process. It is a business investment in our young that is cashed in the moment you reach your personal Mine threshold.

Don your red beret to help create economic freedom in South Africa.

Amandla, Awethu.
Power to the people. Create your destiny. Act.

TL😉R Economic Freedom in our lifetime!

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