eBolivia from the eyes of Joshua Morriseau!

Day 1,164, 13:18 Published in Greece Greece by Orfeas Tsakalos
eBolivia from the eyes of Joshua Morriseau!

Today Castelorosso is going to host Mr. Joshua Morriseau. A real e-Bolivian, as he claims, now fights with his fellows to undermine the government of his own country. Why? Because, according to Joshua, that government came under PTO procedures and multies, which were stimulated by Argentinian authorities.

Joshua began his e-life in Bolivia and in about a week found himself as Ambassador to Singapore and South Africa eventually becoming the Deputy MOFA and later on Chief of English Speaking Nations. he was also Ambassador to Canada, USA, UK and Australia. He was a 1x Party President of Bolivia Primera and the only Bolivian to be the Representative to Sol.

And so the interview goes...

1. Can you give us a summary of the history of Bolivia in eRepublic?

We suffered from PTO in the very start. In our first Congress election a PTO group from Poland and Sweden came the result being a Polish majority and the theft of over 1000gold and $75,000BOB. From there they left and we fought what was known as the Altiplano War with against Chile and Argentina.Several excuses were exposed from the Chilean government including: "Bolivia is a menace for South America", "Bolivia is a USA and Polish colony". At the end of the war, and after a civil protest in Argentina and Chile, their leaders recognized the reasons behind the attack: Trying to get the high regions from Bolivia (High Wood in Bolivian Altiplano and High Grain in Beni&Cochabamba, for Argentina and Chile respectively). The decisive Brazilian intervention, with the presence of tanks and his Elite Commandos kept the attacked region under Bolivian control. The activation of several MPPs between the Bolivian government and several countries (Turkey, Slovenia, Brazil and Poland) stopped the intention of new attacks on Bolivian territory. A hard negotiation seeking for a Peace Treaty (including a Peace Proposal approved in Bolivian congress but refused in Chilean Congress) was started by the Bolivian government, but refused by the Chilean president. Chilean and Argentinian leaders were Impeached by their respective congress but stayed on charge.Finally, with the end of his president period, the peace was granted with a Peace Proposal approved by the new Chilean congress and the Bolivian one. After the war we began thriving as a small nation. We had a very active communtiy and became apart of Sol being the first nation from the Americas to do so. We were only in it for a few months however before the alliance crumbled. At this time we started to decline a few months later suffered a PTO by Argentina.

2. Give us a summary of the situation in South America? Relationships between countries. The role of Brazil and Argentina.

Brazil is the most populous and strongest nation in South America however they mostly do their own thing and dont bother with us. Chile and Argentina act as the agressors here. They continue to invade us and Peru who share a similar story as us.

3. Did you ever take any anti-PTO measures?

Of course we took anti-PTO measures we would be stupid not to. However there are to many Argentines here in Bolivia and many of them are multis. We cant fight the votes of multis unless we either use multis which we wont or bring in new Bolivians and voters. Here is the link to a profile who has been banned for creating multiple accounts. He was apart of the PTO and was even elected President here and 2x Congress. Would he of even gotten elected without multis?http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/2786353

4. When was it the first time that any of you detected any suspicious PTO action?

We have always been suspicous of PTO action. When you are the smallest and most helpless nation in a continent that would rather see you fail then succeed you always have to be on the look out.

5. What are your grounds, that lead to the conclusion that the current e-Bolivian government is a result of Argentinian PTO?

Everyone elected to Party President, Congressman or as country President have all been from Argentina in the last few months and will continue to be if the international community dont step in. And our money wouldnt be going to Argentina if we wernt under PTO from them.

6. What are the next steps for you and your team?

Our next steps for our team cant be made publicly. All I can say is that I will continue the media campagin to help put our sitatuon out there in the world.

7. Do you believe that there is any responsibility to the real e-Bolivians for this situation?

I dont think you can blame the real Bolivians for this. We just wanted to stay out of conflict and be left alone but because Argentina thinks they can do anything we were told otherwise. A small country cant fight an army of Argentine multis.

8. Do you believe that there is danger, for the real e-Bolivians to lose interest of eRepublik, and abandon it? Do you intend to do something for it? Like trying to gather e-Bolivians in a separate place and fight for your lands?

Of course I do and its already started. Even I must admit I get bored of being here but my love for the country and true Bolivians has kept me here hoping to one day make our community whole again. Many of our people have left to Peru. There are fewer real Bolivians here all the time. Our people feel tied with Peru because they are under the same situation as us except with more people. With most of our experienced members and former higher up people in government going to Peru that leaves fewer of us to fight here. We all agree though that helping Peru can only help us in the end.

9. Are there any responsibilities for the administrators of eRepublik?

I wish there was but PTO is legal and the only way to beat it is to get more votes then the others naturally.

10. Have you opened any ticket in order to inform the administrators?

There is no point because a PTO is legal. We do however try to expose as many multis as possible.

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