eAustralia and CP Elections in Numbers

Day 2,573, 10:08 Published in Australia Australia by Albeck

As we can see on this chart eAustralia has 0,41% of total eWorld population. This percentage is actually better then in RL (0,33😵 and its currently on 45th place in eWorld (Total number of eCountries is 74).

With average citizen level of 24, eAustralia is significantly below eWorlds average and the reason behind this number is not a high percentage of new players but the fact that lot of players gave up very soon and became inactive.

Now let’s move on CP elections.
First of all, I would take this opportunity to congratulate Dio Pumba on winning this election. I hope you will have a great term.

Number of people voted in this election is: 62 or 15.54 % of total population. This extremely low number of votes shows us that we have a major problem with activity. We can take this number as approximate number of active players in our community.

If we compare turnouts on last 4 elections (Both for senate and CP) it is obvious that this is the lowest turnout in last 4 months.

As you all probably know the winner of this elections and our CP for this month is Dio Pumba with 58.06% of votes

If we take a look at the parties who supported both candidates we can notice that two parties who supported Dio have 47 members together, while those who supported Khan have 55 members. Although this was not the case in this elections, but when you have such low turnout that difference can be significant.
Thank you for reading and have a good night sleep. 


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